((o)) radiator x – 130124 – arctic perspectives

rxl_k.gifarctic perspectives
radia #406: radio arctic + radia #375: DNT GVP

[pls. scroll down for english version]

arktische temperaturen? in unseren breiten kann davon auch im strengsten winter kaum die rede sein. arktis ist für die meisten von uns: ein bild.
das sich indessen auch auditiv vermitteln kann. beispielsweise, wenn uns marko peljhan und seine arctic perpective initiative eine collage aus arktischen klängen präsentieren.

im anschluss werden wir dann mit neven lochhead durch abstrakte landschaften reisen. die ihren ursprung ebenfalls in der arktis haben – uns schliesslich jedoch bis nach italien geleiten.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


arctic temperatures? even during the winter our climate is far too mild to compare. for the majority of us, 'arctic' is a picture. an image. an imagination. that can be triggered, however, with sound as well.

so for today let us explore arctic perspectives in sound.
the first part of our show, brought to us by radio student, ljubljana, provides us with

"a mash-up of authentic recordings from the Arctic, made by Marko Peljhan and his team, from one of their Arctic Perspective Initiative's mission: therein recordings, local radio communications over short waves and folklore and pop music from the Arctic." [R.S.]

"In the Arctic, there are the openest public radio stations. The radio station does not have a key, anyone can come on the radio and do the show." [M.P.]

find out more about marko peljhan and the arctic perspective initiative (api) at arcticperspective.org

afterwards, neven lochhead from ontario invites uns to travel through abstract landscapes stretching from the arctic to italy:

"'DNT GVP' is a composition by experimental musician and filmmaker Neven Lochhead, who is based out of Kingston, Ontario. Like much of Neven’s recent work, DNT GVP concerns itself with abstraction and experience of space. Clean guitar tones are played while sounds of Pond Inlet, Nunavut, a small hamlet in the arctic, surface to the ears between rests. A slight echo is applied to the sounds of the town, immediately informing that the sound is an abstraction. A complete and pure representation is always abstracted by the appearance of added audio. The landscape fades in and out of conscious listening. Later in the piece, a recording from an Italian language tape fades in, first appearing as part of the landscape itself – a distant radio playing through someone’s kitchen window. The sound of the tape increases, thickens and engulfs the impossible soundscape." [C.FR.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
marko peljhan, the arctic perspective initiative and radio student, ljubljana, for arctic soundscapes;
neven lochhead and radio cfrm, ontario, for bringing us from the arctic to italy;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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