((o)) radiator x – 130314 – brazil

radia #413: native + radia #205: radiodance 0pus.01

[pls. scroll down for english version]

zwei begegnungen mit brasilien, die unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten.
zunächst nimmt uns renata roman aus são paulo mit zu indianern, von deren stimmen die offizielle agenda des landes eher selten notiz nimmt.
im anschluss präsentiert der brasilianische künstler f? ribeiro eine komposition, für die er die tänze elektromagnetischer wellen aufgezeichet hat.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


two encounters with brazil. as diverse thes huge country itself.
first renata roman invites us to join her for a trip to indian natives – people whose voices often remain unheard on the political agenda.

" At a time when we witnessed the worsening situation of Brazilian Indians in various parts of the country due to economic interests it is fair to hear them: the simplicity of the dialogue, the reflection of the thinker, the letter from the explorer. Everything is revealing." [R.R.]

renata roman is an independent brazilian artist based in são paulo. her artwork revolves around radio pieces, installations, sound poetry and field recordings. she keeps the sound map of the city of são paulo.

in the second part, the brazilian artist f? ribeiro presents a composition based on the dances of electromagnetic fields:

"'Radiodance Opus.01 'Y Do B?'' starts from the voice, the presence of the verb and the dance of electromagnetic fields to compose a body program of synaesthetic flexing of the body limits, it's listenings and gestures. In the metaphysical inversion of the body (udob), the representation of the clash of embodiment springs a question: why do we keep insisting on engineering the 'being'? Why do we still believe in artistic performance when it has no longer the power to update the world? We ask the listener to watch his body with utmost attention during the broadcast and dance." [F?R]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
renata roman and resonance fm, london, for the invitation to meet native brazilian indians;
f? ribeoro and and radio zéro, lisbon, for the invitation to dance with(in) electromagnetic fields;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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