((o)) radiator x – 140410 – classic(s)

radia #463: overture + radia #328: radio on wheels

[pls. scroll down for english version]

wie wäre es mit einem ausflug in die gefilde der klassischen musik? schliesslich können wir sicher sein: wenn diese exkursion unter den vorzeichen der radiokunst stattfindet, hält sie auch für die ohren von kennerInnen des metiers überraschungen bereit.

für den ersten teil der sendung haben stian âdlanski und lutz-rainer müller zwei mitglieder eines schwedischen kammerorchesters zu einer landpartie mit johann sebastian bach eingeladen. das auto wird zum konzerthaus im miniaturformat, der motor wird zum mitglied des ensembles.

im zweiten teil der sendung geht es noch einmal mit alessio ballerini auf dem radio-fahrrad durch florenz. und auch bei der performativen konzertreise ist klassik mit von der partie.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


what about a road trip into the fields of classical music? of course in our case this excursion – as always led by radio artists – will come as a surprise-partie…

"The artists Stian Ådlandsvik and Lutz-Rainer Müller invited two musicians from the Swedish Chamber Orchestra on a road trip from Leipzig to Örebro to play music composed by Johann S. Bach in the car. In this movable mini-concert house, a flute and a cello played compositions written by Bach hundreds of years ago, while the Mercedes engine played the compositions of the motorway. Travelling through three countries, the audience for this concert was maybe just the distance and the velocity of the motorway. Just like the speed of the car blurs details, human memory clouds events, time and distance. One can attempt to hold on to the memories, but the fading starts almost immediately, and goes on to rearrange and delete, until only fragments are left. The recording of this 16 hour drive/concert was compressed to a 30 minutes long sound art piece that reflect on movement, speed and memory." [R.N.]

in the second part of the show, alessio ballerini invites us to participate in his project 'la radio a pedali'. the project is based on a collaboration between radio papesse and radio rai, the former inviting people to join a bicycle radio street parade, by bringing their own radios and all tuning in radio rai, at that very time broadcasting a concert with pieces of beethoven and liszt.

"Along the run with many other bikers I held a 4 channel portable audio recorder in one hand, forward facing the two onboard mics and fastening the two other external mics on my backpack. That allowed me to record sounds both in front of me and in the rear. This was meant to allow me to postproduce the field recordings in two different forms. On one hand I decided to use and mix the frontal stereophonic recordings with other field recordings, original scores and extracts from Beethoven and Liszt; the output are both a 25 minutes long radio piece and a 6 tracks release. On the other hand, thanks to the 4 channel recordings I recreated the acoustic environment of the bike parade just adding more sounds to enhance the imaginary/imaginative experience of those visitors who will listen to it in a dark room absorbed by a quadraphonic reproduction." [A.B.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
stian âdlanski, lutz-rainer müller and radio nova, oslo for the overture and
alessio ballerini, radio rai and radio papesse, firenze, for public participatory concert broadcasting by bike;
and, as always radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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