[[o]] GUNSTprojekt | GUNSTproject: fITt.NETt

fIT.NETt centerfITt.NETt
[pls. scroll down for the english version]

Das "fITt.NETt"-center war als online-ressource und lernplattform für gender-bezogene aspekte der techno-kultur konzipiert: ein virtuelles fitness-studio, das sowohl grundlagen- wie auch erweitere trainingsmöglichkeiten bietet, die um zu einer verbesserten "performance" im umgang mit online-medien zu gelangen.

zum angebot gehörten: geschicklichkeits- und koordiationstraining für den umgang mit suchmaschinen, mailinglisten und online-foren, krafttraining für den datenkörperaufbau, wellness-angebote (u.a. konflikt- und stressmanagement für e-kommunikation, entspannungsechniken für bildschirmarbeiterInnen), schönheit (webdesign u.a.) sowie gesundheit (datenschutz, datenhygiene etc).

hintergrundinformationen: s. die englische fassung.


The "fITt.NETt" center was conceived as an online resource and learning platform for gender related issues in technoculture: A virtual fitness studio that provides courses training abilities as well as ressources related to general skills in the area of online communication (i.e. research techniques, how-to's for mailinglists and forum communication), for body enhancement (i.e. from html to vrml data body programming), wellness (i.e. conflict management in e-communication, but also relaxing techniques for those spending a lot of time in front of computers), beauty (ranging from webdesign to webbased art work) and health (i.e. online security).

background information

In 2001, miss.gunst had been invited to contribute to the 2nd edition of "Capital Training", a webbased project started in 1999 by the Berlin based artist Ellen Nonnenmacher that was dedicated to encourage women artists to work with digital media, and coming along with a "Capital Training Congress I" that took place as a live event in the framework of the exhibition "crosslinks" (Berlin, 22.01.-18.02.1999). So the basic idea was to continue this work with a new edition of online courses.
However, due to several reasons this new course program was never realized online. Instead, a 2nd "Capital Training Congress" was planned and realized in the framework of another exhibition, "Fast Umsonst" (NGBK Berlin, march 2004). Accordingly, due to several reasons miss.gunst decided to take part in the exhibition as well as in the congress with another project, *MUM* (Mein Unsichtbares Meisterwerk, in english: My Invisble Masterpiece).

further material

link to Capital Training [extern]
link to fITt.NETt course description at the Capital Training site [extern]
link to GUNSTprojekt: *MUM* (Mein Unsichtbares Meisterwerk)
link to: *MUM*  background info

titel | title: fITt.NETt center – jahr | year: 2001
objekt | object: webbased hypertext project, html
URL: elapsed
generated by: miss.gunst / verena kuni



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