[[o]] GUNSTprojekt: RESOUNDING BANGALORE (RE) von | by Gabi Schaffner (radia #677)

RESOUNDING BANGALORE (RE) von | by Gabi Schaffner
[pls. scroll down for english version]

Wie klingt Indien? Ein Land wie ein Kontinent: Zu gross, um die Vielfalt je zu erfassen. Die Reisende entschliesst sich, ihre Erkundungen an einem Ort zu beginnen, der schon für sich genommen ein Klangland, ein Klangkontinent ist: Bangalore.

RESOUNDING BANGALORE (RE) von Gabi Schaffner ist eine GUNSTproduktion von radiator x für das internationale Kunstradio-Netzwerk radia.fm
und wird in der Woche vom 19. bis 25. März 2018 als radia #677 (saison 40) von den beteiligten Stationen des Netzwerks ausgestrahlt.

RE = RADIA EDIT = Dieses Stück ist ein spezieller pre-edit von raw audio/Gabi Schaffner für radia.

Hintergrundinformationen und Credits: siehe unten.

Ausführliche Informationen zu radiator x und allen radiator-Produktionen im radiator-airchive.
Sendungs-Aussstrahlungstage und -zeiten der beteiligten radia-Stationen sowie weitere Informationen zu radia.fm auf den Heimseiten von radia.fm


What are the sounds of India? In this perspective, a country is probably bigger than a continent: Just too vast to let you capture its dimensions. Therefore, the traveller decides to start at one place, in a city that is a sounding continent in its own right: Bangalore…

"Sounds in India are strangely alive! For me, they form autonomous entities: a bell resounding through layers of different memories, the swish of a broom dusting flights of cerebral chambers, a train travelling beyond the boundaries of one’s own biography. 'Resounding Bangalore' is a journey in itself and an invitation to cherish an indigenous sound world played back through the ears of a 'stranger'… with no constraints to timelines and topographies.

'Resounding Bangalore' was composed on the occasion of an epigynous radio art performance in India, when I was staying there within the frame of the Goethe Institute’s BangaloREsidency in collaboration with the arts and media collective maraa. This radia edit is a slightly extended version of it."
[Gabi Schaffner]

RR = RADIA RAW = This piece is a special pre-edit for radia by raw audio.

is an interdisciplinary sound artist, curator, writer and photographer based in Berlin.
Travelling forms a vital part of her work – as a source for sound and language recordings but also as "a rite of passage" enabling the artist to explore alternative narrative structures. Her works in the field of radio art have been broadcast internationally, including commissions for Deutschlandradio, SWR, ABC Australia and many more. In 2012 and 2014, she staged in collaboration with Pit Schultz/reboot.fm a garden radio station in Berlin and in Giessen, Hessia, both featuring international as well as local artists and gardeners. Since 2011 she has been creating several shows for radia.fm
Find out more about her projects at rawaudio.de and at www.datscharadio.de

RESOUNDING BANGALORE (RE) by Gabi Schaffner is a GUNSTproduction by radiator x for the international art radio network radia.fm – during the week of march 19 to march 25, 2018 broadcasted as radia #677 (season 40) by all radia partner stations.

For more info about radiator x, all radiator x shows and all shows produced for radia.fm pls see the radiator-airchive.
For more info about the transmission days and hours of our international partner stations, as well as for more info about radia.fm art radio network pls go to radia.fm*


radia production: miss.gunst [GUNST + radiator x]
production date: mach 2018
station: radio x, frankfurt am main (germany)
length: 28 min.
licence: (cc-by-nc) GABI SCHAFFNER

additional info:
includes radia jingles (in/out), station and program info/intro (english)

radio x & radiator x: www.radiox.dewww.radiox.de/radiator-x
GUNSTradio & radiator x: www.gunst.infowww.gunst.info/radiator
Gabi Schaffner: rawaudio.dewww.datscharadio.de

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Für Links zu externen Webseiten wird keinerlei Gewähr und Verantwortung übernommen. Siehe auch den Haftungsausschluss | No guarantees and responsibilities for links to external websites. See also the disclaimer in case.



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