((o)) radiator x – 101028 – coming home

rxl_k.gifcoming home
radia #291: heimkehr  + radia special: london homeboys

[pls. scroll down for english version]

heimkommen. von nirgendwo nach irgendwo – oder war es doch anders, umgekehrt?

zwei expeditionen, die genau dieser frage nachgehen.
und dabei nicht viele worte machen müssen, um zu verstehen zu geben, was heimkehr ist.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


coming home from nowhere to somewhere –
or was it the other way round?
let´s see. or maybe better: let´s listen…

two expeditions dedicated to explore a very special movement in time, space, meaning, and moment: coming home.

radia # 291: “heimkehr” by rinus van alebeek and alessandra eramo is a contribution by radiator x for radia art radio network
premiere week on radia: october 25-31, 2010

rinus van alebeek is a sound artist, writer and performer from holland, living and working in berlin and elsewhere. find out more about rinus van alebeek and his work at zeromoon.com/rinus
alessandra eramo a.k.a ezramo is a sound artist, composer and performer from taranto, italy. she's currently living and working in berlin, germany. further information about alessandra eramo a.k.a ezramo and her work can be found at www.ezramo.com

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
rinus van alebeek and alessandra eramo for making us coming home;
resonance fm, london, for inviting us to join the homeboys;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.



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