((o)) radiator x – 111013 – mapping

radia #339 all that is solid melts into air + radia #206 selections from silenceradio

[pls. scroll down for english version]

karten. kartierungen von klang.

zunächst reisen wir rund um die welt – entlang eben jener orte, von denen aus die stationen des radia-netzwerks senden.
und dann schweben wir in der klangkapsel von silenceradio.org durch den kosmos des projekts "soundscapes forever".

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


maps. and mappings. of sound.

a journey around the world. not in hundred days. but for half an hour. from city to city. each of which hosts a radia art radio network partner station:

"The piece is composed of a series of maps that trace a path through all Radia Network stations in Europe. The maps are then encoded to sound through a protocol for transmission of images over radio known as slow-scan television, or SSTV (in this case, Robot 72s Color). The piece re-interprets the solid as air through the processes of encoding, transmitting, receiving and decoding the map. Through this process, the physical and imagined boundaries depicted on the map become distorted through their interaction with the actual space they intend to represent." [T.R.]

afterwards, we'll be floating around in a sound capsule from silenceradio.org through the cosmos of "soundscapes forever".

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
brett ian balogh and radio free103point9, new york, for sound mapping the radia art radio network;
radio campus, brussels, for mapping the cosmos of silenceradio.org;
silenceradio.org for producing and hosting a whole world of wonderful radio and sound art pieces, and radio grenouille, marseille, for bringing them to us;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.



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