

DIY radio

GUNSTradio special series on Do-It-Yourself-Cultures

DIY radio is a theme based special series on GUNSTradio exploring the manifold facettes of contemporary Do-It-Yourself-cultures and their historical background.
The series started in December 2010 as part of the preparations for the Do It Yourself-exhibition ("Do It Yourself – Die Mitmach-Revolution") shown from August, 2011 till Febriary, 2012 at Frankfurt's Museum for Communication (Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt).
The curatorial team (Tine Nowak, Annabelle Hornung and Verena Kuni) discussed together and sometimes also with guests issues of DIY, reported from the preparations and introduced objects selected for the show.

Meanwhile, DIY radio has become one of the 'regulars' of GUNSTradio.

Further information can be retrieved at:

Basic info on the DIY Exhibition at www.under-construction.cc

GUNSTradio at www.gunst.info

GUNSTradio show archives at radio x*

* links open in a separate browser window. on legal issues see also the disclaimer.

projects: A2D2A, Critical Crafting Circle, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY exhibition, DIY SCI, GUNSTradio, how2:how2, Micro*, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, Prosumer Cultures, radio, RE/CYCLING INVENTION, SoftWareZ, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, TRANSFORMERS

mainprojects: D.I.Y. CULTURES, radio, SoftWareZ, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS

related projects on www.under-construction.cc: cfs: center for storytelliing, Home Made, interfiction

related project on www.visuelle-kultur.info: KIOSK Art Communication

tags: art, cultural studies, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, media, radio



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