


The GAMElabor project connects virtual computer-based game spaces with games that take place in urban/architecture-based social spaces and their interfaces with urban practices of young people.

The GAMElabor project connects virtual computer-based game spaces with games that take place in urban/architecture-based social spaces and their interfaces with urban practices of young people:
The simulation of a building and the surrounding urban quarter within a computer game is being processed as integrated part of the development and set up of a real space. At the same time, exploring real space as part of an urban game becomes part of this process as well. Thus, the fascination of and for computergames becomes the starting point for an active access to urban space. Within this process, technical as well as social skills are trained and gained. Moreover, active participation in the game provides opportunities of active participation in processes of urban planning and development.

The project builds upon interdisciplinary collaboration including expertise in urban planning, architecture, cultural development, art and art education, cultural studies, game studies and game design. A.o., we are interested in possible uses of virtual reality and intermedia/mixed media/"cross media" formats (i.e. "augmented reality"), and especially game based formats ("social games", "serious games", "pervasive games", "urban games") for and within processes of sustainable urban development.

The project is a cooperation between bb22 Stadtplaner und Architekten, Frankfurt am Main (Felix Nowak) and Goethe University of Frankfurt (FB09, Institute for Art Education/Visual Culture, Prof. Dr. Verena Kuni). It is being realised and developed with an interdisciplinary team.Since September 2009 the GAMElabor is funded as one of the "pioneer projects" (Modellvorhaben) in the ExWoSt-research area "Young People in Urban Quarters" ("Jugendliche im Stadtquartier") gefördert. ExWoSt ("Experimenteller Wohnungs- und Städtebau" / "Experimental Housing and Urban Development") is a research program led by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung, BMVBS) and the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, BBSR).

project: GAMElab FFM BHF/4

main project: (IN)VISIBLE CITY

related project on www.under-construction.cc: Urban Playgrounds

tags: architecture, games, games & play, play, playgrounds, urban cultures, urban planning, urban research, visual culture, youth cultures



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