((o)) radiator x – 130307 – what is radio?

rxl_k.gifwhat is radio?
radia #415: what is radio? + radia #359: radio readings

[pls. scroll down for english version]

was ist radio? welche potentiale hat es als medium? und welche speziell als medium der kunst?
fragen, über die sich lange nachdenken un diskutieren lässt. denen man vorträge, ganze konferenzen, bücher – und natürlich auch radiosendungen widmen kann.

antworten gibt's in diesem fall aus der perspektive der (radio-)kunst…

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


what is radio? what are its potencies as a medium? and how does radio work as medium of art?
sure one could think and talk about these questions for hours. dedicate lectures, whole conferences and books to them.

or a full hour of radio art…

the first part of today's sho comes from vienna

" What is Radio? – To find answers to this question we immersed ourselves deeply in the world of radio – poetic spoken atmosphere together with a cacophony of thoughts about historical moments in radio-periods were the result. In nearly every person’s life radio plays a major role. But what radio is to the individual mostly differs from what it is for the masses. We guide you with surrounding sounds, voices, words, languages, music and silence through the fascinating and diverse world of radio. You just have to listen." [M.H./Ö.D.M.]

a show by Maria Herold & Özge Dayan Mair with contributions by Tobias Dankl.

in the second part, radio artists from new york perform historic answers in a contemporary perspective:

"Artists Max Goldfarb and Brian Dewan produced a 'reading' of Velimir Khlebnikov’s The Radio of the Future (1921) in 2011. A canoncial text, 'Radio of the Future', may be the first real conceptualization of transmission art. Alison Knowles is a visual artist known for her soundworks, installations, performances, and books. She was a founding member of Fluxus, and recently Knowles offered her iconic performance 'The Identical Lunch' to museum visitors as part of the Museum of Modern Art’s Performance Exhibition Series. On the occasion of a summer garden party benefit for free103point9?s FM radio station (WGXC). Alison Knowles performed one of her 'Bean Turners', constructed from beans and paper, Bean Turners and are both book pages and sonic instruments. At the same summer garden party, acclaimed film and stage actor Hugh Dancy, performed F.T. Marinetti and Pino Masnata’s 'La Radia' (1933) a visionary text, if one that reveals the authors proclivity for Fascism. La Radia asserts what The Radio Must Not Be, what The Radio Abolishes, and what The Radio Will Be." [T.R.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
maria herold, özge dayan mair, tobias dankl and radio orange, vienna, as well as max goldfarb, brian dewan, alison knowles, hugh dancy und radio free103point9, new york, for their musings about the questions of the day;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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