ultrasonic cities
radia #426: ultrasonic city + radia #329: TIK RADIO BRATISLAVA SHORTCUTS
[pls. scroll down for english version]
auch urbane klanglandschaften können unter der wahrnehmungsschwelle wachsen. bedingt wird das aber keineswegs allein durch klänge, die menschliche ohren aus physiologischen gründen nicht erfassen können.
im ersten teil der sendung begeben wir uns zunächst mit wendy van wynsberghe auf die spur von ultrasonischen klängen in brüssel.
im anschluss geht es dann nach bratislava, wo wege in den akustischen radius geraten, die sich auf ihre weise nicht nur der akustischen wahrnehmung entziehen.
credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten
there are whole urban landscapes growing under the threshold of human perception. but it is not only due to the limited capacities of human ear's sensorial perception that certain frequencies remain in audible. as we'll hear, there are other reasons as well…
in the first part of today's show we'll be able to experience the ultrasonic city thanks to wendy van wynsberghe's research in brussels:
"What do you hear in the city? What sounds are only perceptible in the ultrasonic realm, where bats and crickets communicate? Sounds which are so high, our human ears cannot perceive them. This acoustic world becomes audible in Ultrasonic City and they get their place in the sounds of the city and the world.
The urban sound world is quite dense. By extracting the ultrasound I wanted to reveal a sonic universe or even add another layer to the field recordings. When you hear only the ultrasonic layer of the city, you hear a place devoid of human voices. They simply do not reach that high. Some very quiet sounds get enhanced, such as rubbing your fingers together, frottements in French. In a parc at sunset you hear the foraging bats, whilst at the same time, our human ears only register ducks, planes and other humans. A swimming pool gets reduced to splashes, you do not hear the children shriek nor play. Plastic, metal, water all produce ultrasounds.
With the help of ACSR, I was able to record the same place in the city ultrasonically and with high quality “normal”
microphones. This revealing/unravelling/hiding of layers of sound I want to present in this documentary." [W.v.W]
afterwards, we switch to bratislava – joining another time the TIK radio crew on their acoustic research.
in march 2011, members from of TIME INVENTORS’ KABINET (TIK) met in bratislava for a week of collective research on radio as a tool for investigating alternate traces of time.
we used a wide range of methods (a.o. city walks, field recordings, investigations in individual as well as collective imaginations, deliberate data dreaming) to explore topics like time bending, hazy time, wind time, lichen clocks, ecotime zones, shortcuts – the latter to become the focus topic for our radio show.
based on our observations and findings we developed, performed and broadcast a live radio show on friday, march 18, 2011, as part of the research week’s public closing event at hacklab progressbar.
TIK RADIO: BRATISLAVA SHORTCUTS is a collaborative effort by
Guy van Belle (BE), Michal Cudrnak (SK), Nina Czegledy (HU), Barbara Huber (AT/SK), Kruno Jost (HR), Marton Andras Juhasz (HU), Michal Kindernay (CZ), Laszlo Kiss (HU), Verena Kuni (DE), and Jürgen Rendl (AT/SK).
For more info on TIK radio and related radio projects on this site pls. check the TBC radio archives – and/or go to the TIME BENDING CLOCK WORK, www.under-construction.cc/tbcw
miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
wendy van wynsberghe and radio panik, brussels, as well as the TIK radio crew and radio x, frankfurt, for their ultrasonic city research;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.
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