circuits (e)
radia #462: 30 in 1 – more adventures with electronic circuits + radia #168: brussels international circuit bending orchestra
[pls. scroll down for english version]
wer gern mit elektronischen schaltkreisen experimentiert, weiss: schon in den einfachsten anordnungen ist musik drin. und wenn's ein bisschen mehr sein darf, dann wird auch mal radiokunst daraus.
im ersten teil der sendung gibt es deshalb einen grundkurs, den mark vernon für uns eingerichtet hat.
im anschluss spielt dann das international circuit bending orchestra aus brüssel für uns auf.
credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten
tinkerers in love with electronic circuits know: there is a lot of music even the most simple arrangements of conducting parts. but then, why not build upon this to expand and create a piece of radio art?
in the first part of the show we get a lesson for beginners – however, perhaps developing somewhat more advanced than initially expected:
"o eavesdrop as a father and his 10-year-old son bond over a succession of increasingly fiddly electronic experiments – at the behest of the manual they connect wires, transistors, capacitors and diodes to create an array of weird and wonderful crackles, beeps, buzzes and other electronic noises. Harking back to the bygone days of the BBCs Radiophonic Workshop in feel, variations on these sounds form the basis of the musical score that underpins the piece, playfully oscillating between real and imaginary spaces. As improbable as it seems, the outwardly dull schematics and diagrams open the doorway to a world of fun, exploration and the joy of discovery." [M.V.]
Father and Son: Andrew and William Deakin – Voice of the manual: Anne Marie Copestake.
All sounds (except the bubbles) were generated from the Maxitronix 130 in 1 Electronic Lab Kit.
Produced by Marc Vernon.
afterwards, we'll enjoy another time the circuits bent by the brussels international circuit bending orchestra.
miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
marc vernon, resonance fm london, the brussels international circuit bending orchestra and radio XL AIR, brussels, for radio art from electronic circuits;
as well as radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.
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