((o)) radiator x – 140904 – possible presents, possible pasts

rxl_k.gifpossible presents, possible pasts
radia #488: wie es vielleicht war + radia #273: history exhaustion

[pls. scroll down for english version]

wie es vielleicht war. und wie es vielleicht gewesen sein wird. sagt das möglicherweise auch etwas über die gegenwart aus?

ob und wie diese frage zu beantworten ist – so oder so oder möglicherweise ganz anders: darüber wird jede/r selbst entwcheiden müssen. und wollen.

wie es vielleicht war: dazu macht im im ersten teil der sendung die grazer musikperfomer-gruppe "nacht im bunker" vorschläge, anhand einer zusammenfasssung ihrer eigenen sicht auf die eigene(n) vergangenheit(en).

im anschluss begeben wir uns noch einmal mit francis hunger auf eine expedition ohne wiederkehr, die den signalen einer ominösen radiostation in die geschichte folgt. eine mögliche vergangene zukunft – oder doch eine mögliche zukünftige vergangenheit?

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


possible presents. possible pasts. how it has been or not. how it will have been or not. will this possibly tell us also something about our possible present(s)?

if it makes sense to pose this question and, if so, how possible answers may be found: you'll have to decide that yourself.

however, for today you may also enjoy also the answer the graz based music performance collective "nacht im bunker" ("nights im bunker") has found:

"'Nights im Bunker' is some sort of a mystery performance series that is performed once a month at the Forum Stadtpark – a place of production and presentation for contemporary art in Graz. 'Wie es vielleicht war' ('How it might have been') is a radio edit of different performances that the performers of 'Nights im Bunker' did in the last two years." [N.i.B.]

Performers: Patrick Wurzwallner (drums), Arne Glöckner (guitar), Vera Hagemann (voice), Johannes Schrettle (text).

afterwards we'll take a trip to the zone. no no man's land. but nevertheless lost. joining an expedition with no return:

"three friends search for an ominous radio station that transmits number sequences with mysterious messages. told is the expedition’s story through an area bearing names such as 'path of the invisible hand', 'stalin highlands' or 'post-modernist cave labyrinth'.
the characters – student, entrepreneur, skilled worker – lose their life or at least get lost under unpleasant circumstances…" [F.H.]

history exhaustion is the audio transformation of an installation francis hunger created in 2009, focussing on the subject of 'verausgabung' (exhaustion). with the voice of richard cotter.
the radio show is a contribution by radiator x for radia art radio network, produced and broadcasted for the first time in august 2010.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
nights im bunker and radio helsinki, graz, for presenting possible pasts;
francis hunger for exploring possible past futures and future pasts, and radio x for making this production/release possible;
and, as always radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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