((o)) radiator x – 140911 – birds, birds

rxl_k.gifbirds, birds
radia #489: birds of marrakech + radia #374: radio d'oiseaux

[pls. scroll down for english version]

vögel? welche vögel? wann haben wir sie zuletzt singen hören? und wo? oder war es nur ein traum, zwischen all den anderen geräuschen: in den städten, in den wäldern?

im ersten teil der sendung suchen wir sie in field recordings zwischen alltagsgeräuschen und (klang-)kunst, die radio papesse im rahmen der marrakesch biennale in der marokkanischen stadt aufgenommen hat.

im anschluss lauschen wir dann noch einmal dem radio d'oiseaux, das sally mcintyre an der neuseeländischen küste auf empfang gestellt hat.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


birds? birds? which birds? were there birds singing anyway? and if so, where? or was it just a dream, nesting between all the other sounds and noises, be it in the cities or in the woods?

in the first part we try to keep track of them in marrakesh, where radio papesse went out for records. to come back with a sho that uses raw field recordings only, without any effect – an invitation to take your time and be taken into thin noises as well as deep drones, different languages and unreadable soundbites:

"It all started from a terrace during the 2014 Marrakesh Biennial's opening days, then moved into the streets; among the crowd, the tourists, people wandering into new territories, just to find unexpected sounds and stories. A quest that brought us into a misused theatre, then back to the streets, into the old town, where the ancient and the modern mix.
To hop into a taxi, where the outside noises slowly faded into soundart and migration stories; then back to where history meet the contemporary, in the frequencies of Marrakech cranes, into a lost flock, and the Muezzins’ prayers.
After days of wanderings and getting lost into the Marrakech dedalus, came an unexpected and healing encounter; but then, it is inevitable to end back again into the crowd until, just turning the corner, everything is relaxed and almost silent.
Just time for a mint tea and the birds come back in, so does the music, and the radios and the car horns.
The new birds of Marrkech." [R.P.]

afterwards, we'll follow another time sally ann mcintyre to the coast of new zealand to listen to the radio d'oiseaux:

"Small, distributed in trees, in hollow logs and on the ground, a flock of radio receivers inhabits a forest area near a large native Rata tree on Kapiti, an island off the coast of the lower North Island of Aotearoa/New Zealand. Slowly, the radios enter the soundscape of the surrounding biosphere, chime in with birdsong captured in field recordings, gathered in the same area on previous days, making audible the signal from a small-radius mini FM transmitter. Down the mountain, a young male Kokako has been calling for the last three months, unsuccessfully trying to attract a mate. The main thing he has been able to attract are the attentions of other, more common endemic forest birds, Tui and Bellbirds, who, being skilled mimics, have started to imitate his calls. Perhaps in response to such unwanted attentions, he has not been heard for the past week, but the radio remembers him, playing back his song in an evocation of both the long history of human vocalisation of birds in this place, and the birds’ own complex mimicry of each other. […]" [S.McI.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
radio papesse, firenze, and sally ann mcintyre, her radio cegeste and radio one, new zealand, for listening out to the birds;
and, as always radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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