radia #506: dancing fire + radia #279: grazer walzer
[pls. scroll down for english version]
tanzen. fragmente. tanzen. feuer. tänze in und aus fragmenten. tanzendes feuer.
im ersten teil der sendung lässt anne lepère das feuer tanzen.
im zweiten teil der sendung lässt ein grazer experimentalkollektiv transformierte fragmente von radiowellen um sich selbst und zwischen den stationen kreisen.
credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten.
dancing. fragments. dancing. fire. fragments of dances. dancing fires.
in the first part of the show anne lepère is dancing (with) fire:
"Some of our fears are dancing inside… Burning everything around…
This is about a journey; trying to find a way to calm down this fire, live with it, dance with it… Without any fear.
Travelling through religions, meeting people, can feed and appease the inside, But this will be vain effort if devoided of reappropriation.
Expurgating, singing, dithering… Repossess the actions.
An appropriation of the outside to feed the inside.
To face the fears and
be there…"[A.L.]
"Dancing Fire" is a radio art piece by Anne Lepère. It comes with another piece, a short one: "Approach".
Find out more about Anne Lepère at
afterwards, a radio experiment from graz invites to a waltz with fragments and sounds in transformation and circulation dancing around and between the stations:
"In November 1998, Reni and Jogi Hofmüller went to visit their friends, then living in Ljubljana, Katarina Pejovic and Borut Savski. As they had all been involved in different ways in radio making, sound production, and experimenting, it was clear that – though there had not been the plan beforehand – they would go to Radio Student, to the Ministery of Experiment, and do precisely this: experiment […]" [R.H.]
miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
anne lepère and radio campus, bruxelles, for making fire dance;
reni and jogi hofmüller, katarina pejovic, borut savski and radio helsinki, graz, for making fragments dance;
as well as radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.
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