radiation roundabout
radia #279 grazer walzer + radia #199 our domestic radiation
[pls. scroll down for english version]
auf radiowellen walzer tanzen?
ein grazer radioexperiment macht die runde auf. transformierte fragmente kreisen um sich selbst und zwischen den stationen. vertrautes? verhört.
indes nimmt anna friz in ihrem appartment frequenzen wahr, die schon immer dort gewesen sein mögen. aber trotzdem fremd geblieben sind.
credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten
radiation roundabout:
a radio experiment ftom graz invites to a waltz. fragments and sounds in transformation and circulation dancing around and between the stations:
"In November 1998, Reni and Jogi Hofmüller went to visit their friends, then living in Ljubljana, Katarina Pejovic and Borut Savski. As they had all been involved in different ways in radio making, sound production, and experimenting, it was clear that – though there had not been the plan beforehand – they would go to Radio Student, to the Ministery of Experiment, and do precisely this: experiment […]" [R.H.]
while anna friz stays at home in her appartment, where strange frequencies are wandering around…
"A composition made from the imagined and actual intercepted fields of electro-magnetic and acoustic signals in and around my apartment in Toronto, Canada. This piece seeks to express some of the wireless action surging daily on site. I am particularly interested in the relative flatness and depth perceivable in both acoustic and Hertzian space, and in the diminishing horizon in the city as a result of urban design and an exponential increase in wireless infrastructure (or electro-magnetic clutter). Additional filters include mason jars, theremin, ring modulator, staged interference, and delay." [A.F.]
miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
reni and jogi hofmüller, katarina pejovic, borut savski and radio helsinki, graz, for an invitation to waltz;
anna friz and radio free103point9, new york, for circulating domestic radiation(s);
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.