((o)) radiator x – 101104 – living landscapes

rxl_k.gifliving landscapes
radia #285: hirondelle  + radia #85: emotional landscape

[pls. scroll down for english version]

zwei lebendige landschaften aus klang, die sich denkbar unterschiedlich entfalten:
eine schwalbe bringt noch keinen frühling – aber sie trägt uns durch ein elektromagnetisches spektrum, in dem die geister von vögeln, insekten, pflanzen nisten.
und weil auch die seele ein weites land ist, reisen wir im anschluss gleich weiter: bewegt in bewegung.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


two living landscapes made from sound, unfolding into different dimensions:
a single swallow does not sing us from springtime – but carries us to and through an electromagnetic spectrum nesting the spirits of birds, insects and plants.

"While contemplating the mysterious life of the landscape, plants, birds,insects,we dive into the magnetic space where the swallows and echoes of things and their spirits live. There is iron and straw and the light's reflection on the water follows the eye, as the beating of the heart echoes through the landscape's melancholy." [B.R./A.S.]

and afterwards, as soul is a territory in its own rights as well, we're travelling further. emotions in motion. motions in emotion.
alexander nikof from skopje mixes processed guitar sounds and software synths.

"… it may disturb you or make you sleep. or may pass you by. take u to vast cosmos teritories or deep underground chambers… it's up to u… enjoy!" [A.N.]

beatriz rodrigues and antónio silva are two artists from viseu, portugal, working together as a couple.
they explore different types of media, such as sound and drawing.
making use of composition, balance, structure, simbolism, significance, rhythm, etc., they organize emotion and memory that lead us to non-places, abstract and shapeless spaces, in a mixture of noisy and melodic environments.

find out more at beatrizrodrigues-antoniosilva.blogspot.com

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
beatriz rodrigues, antónio silva and tradio zero, lisbon/portugal for making us fly with electromagnetic swallows;
alexander nikof from kanal 103, skopje/macedonia, for his bucolic emotional landscape;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.



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