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Prof. Dr. Verena Kuni  M. A.

Kunst·Medien·Kultur - Theorie·Praxis·Vermittlung


Art·Media·Culture - Theory·Practice·Transfer






Tagungen - Workshops - Panels - Präsentationen


conferences - workshops - panels - presentations

Don't Do It Yourself? Oddly Satisfying Surrogate Pleasures (WEIRD WORLDING WUNDERKAMMER WORKSHOP, IV)

Squishy Sessions Research Group (Hosted by Becky Lyon), Online, February 20, 2024 | 20.02.2024

The fourth iteration of the WEIRD WORLDING WUNDERKAMMER WORKSHOP might seem to beam us back to our beginnings, when we met for the first time to explore the sensual and intellectual pleasures of thinking with/in matters, our fingers kneading the dough while we were digesting the dictionary of tactile encounters. And indeed it does in a way, but with a twist that hopefully also allows us to move forward: Let us take a look at – no: let us sink together into the still quite successful genre of Oddly Satisfying videos that promise to have soothing effects on our minds…

tags: aesthetics, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, art & science, ästhetik, bild & imagination, cultural history, dinge, displays, everyday culture, everyday technologies, image & imagination, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, kunst & medien, kunst & wissenschaft, material, material culture, materielle kultur, perception, repräsentation, representation, time, tools, wahrnehmung, werkzeug, wissenskulturen, zeit

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