At Place: Research into PracticeWorkshop:Forum Visual Culture This unit of the Workshop:Forum builds upon the ongoing courses and projects focussing on theories and practices, methods and tools for applied research in urban cultures and its communication. Together with a group of students from the university of Basel we are conducting for three days a focus research into practice, combining field studies in public space, city walks, on-site visits, exhibitions and projects with close readings of related theories, guest lectures, debates and discussions. The "Workshop:Forum Visual Culture" ("Workshop:Forum Visuelle Kultur") is an intensive seminar held in block format with invited guest lecturers (artists, scholars and other professionals with different backgrounds), exploring interdisciplinary aspects and intersections between disciplinary theories and practices. Each workshop-forum focusses a special issue/theme that is closely related to the regular course program of the related semester. The focus for summer 2014 is, in continuation of the workshops of the previous terms in the MAPPING THE (IN)VISIBLE CITY series and corresponding with the semester focus on "COMMUNICATING: PLACE" ("MITTEL(N): VOR ORT"), PLACEMAKING. For more info pls. see the description in German. Metadata: main project: (IN)VISIBLE CITY |