SOB. (K)EIN SPIELin: Was ist Verrat? Hrsg. Claudia Reiche & Andrea Sick. Bremen projekte: center for storytelling, [IN]VISIBILIA, (UN)SICHTBARE STADT, Urban Hauntologies, Spielplatz Stadt dachprojekt: (UN)SICHTBARE STADT |
Mz Baltazar's Laboratory: Lecture & Workshop with Steffi WuschitzArtists's Lecture & Workshop projects: A2D2A, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY exhibition, DIY SCI, how2:how2, RE/CYCLING INVENTION, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, TRANSFORMERS main project: D.I.Y. CULTURES related projects on www.under-construction.cc: CCC, Home Made related project on www.visuelle-kultur.info: KIOSK Art Communication |
Olaf Val: DIY GadgetsArtists's Lecture & Workshop projects: A2D2A, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY exhibition, how2:how2, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, TRANSFORMERS mainprojects: D.I.Y. CULTURES, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS related projects on www.under-construction.cc: GAMElab FFM BHF/4, Home Made, interfiction |
interfiction XVII / 2010 : GADGETS-A-GOGO!2010's interdiscplinary workshop-symposium for art, media and network cultures interfiction – Kassel, nov 12th to 14th, in the framework of Kassel's documentary and video festival – wants to know all about gadgets-to-go… [more…]projects: D.I.Y. CULTURES, interfiction, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, TRANSFORMERS main project: TOYS AND/AS TOOLS |
EXERCISES IN SOBBINGresearch project project: Urban Playgrounds main project: (IN)VISIBLE CITY related projects on www.under-construction.cc: GAMElab FFM BHF/4, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Toys and/as Tools |
UPLAY ISEA RUHR2010Workshop / Lecture / Game projects: center for storytelling, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, Urban Hauntologies, Urban Playgrounds main project: (IN)VISIBLE CITY related projects on www.under-construction.cc: GAMElab FFM BHF/4, Toys and/as Tools |
interfiction XVI / 2009 : playground2009's interdiscplinary workshop-symposium for art, media and network cultures interfiction – Kassel, nov 13th to 15th, in the framework of Kassel's documentary and video festival – invites you to the playground. [more…]projects: interfiction, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Urban Playgrounds main project: (IN)VISIBLE CITY related project on www.under-construction.cc: GAMElab FFM BHF/4 |
GAMElabor FFM BHF/4The GAMElabor project connects virtual computer-based game spaces with games that take place in urban/architecture-based social spaces and their interfaces with urban practices of young people. [more…]project: GAMElab FFM BHF/4 main project: (IN)VISIBLE CITY related project on www.under-construction.cc: Urban Playgrounds |
Urban PlaygroundsUrban Playgrounds is a project chapter and research focus within the major research focus and project (IN)VISIBLE CITY: (UN)SICHTBARE STADT project: Urban Playgrounds main project: (IN)VISIBLE CITY related project on www.under-construction.cc: GAMElab FFM BHF/4 related project on www.visuelle-kultur.info: WALK & WATCH : GO & SEE |
Insect ImagologyImagology and metaphorology of eusocial insects in science, popular culture, and art [more…]project: INSECT IMAGOLOGY main project: TechnoNatureCultures related project on www.visuelle-kultur.info: Beehive |