Research Workshop
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Dec 18-19, 2018
Botanical Mediology, [IN]VISIBILIA, INSECT IMAGOLOGY, (IN)VISIBLE TYPOLOGIES, Metaphorology of Media, MEDIOLOGIES, METAMORPHOSES, Plant Communication, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: aesthetics, agency, anthropology, art & media, art & science, biodiversity, biology, biosciences, bodies, communication, cultural history, design, ecology, environment, everyday culture, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, gender, green, history of science, image & imagination, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, material culture, metamorphosis, methodology, mimesis, mimicry, models, music, natural history, nature, photography, popular culture, sociology, sound, sound art, storytelling, subject & authorship, technology, topologies, video, visual culture
(Bio-)Diversität – Geschlecht – Intersektionalität | (Bio-)Diversity – Gender – Intersectionality
Hrsg. | Eds. Marion Mangelsdorf, Michael Pregernig & Verena Kuni, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Geschlechterstudien, Jg. 22_2 | Vol. 22_2,
(IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
main project:
tags: alltagskultur, biosciences, biowissenschaften, cultural history, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, gender, gender studies, geschlecht, geschlechterforschung, green, grün, invisibility, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, material culture, materielle kultur, methodologie, methodology, modelle, models, nachhaltigkeit, natur, natural sciences, nature, naturwissenschaften, ökologie, participation, partizipation, repräsentation, representation, science, sustainability, topologien, topologies, umwelt, unsichtbarkeit, wissenschaft, wissenskulturen
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Brsg., Jan 21-22, 2016
(IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
main project:
tags: aesthetics, agency, art & science, biodiversity, biology, biosciences, communication, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, gender, gender studies, green, image & imagination, institutions, (in)visibility, invisibility, knowledge cultures, material culture, media, methodology, models, natural sciences, nature, participation, representation, sustainability, technology, tools, topographies, visual culture
Hybrid Workspace, documenta X, Kassel, Sept 20-27, 1997
Cyberfeminisms, Cyborg Configurations, DATA & DISPLAYS, MEDIOLOGIES, NET_ART, TechnoNatureCultures
MEDIOLOGIES, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: agency, analogital, art & media, art & public, art & society, bodies, commons, communication, cyberfeminism, digital culture, displays, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, gender, hacks, informatics, institutions, knowledge cultures, media cultures, methodology, net art, net cultures, network cultures, participation, performance, representation, subject & authorship, technology, tools, utopias, visual culture
Feministische Bibliografie zur Frauenforschung in der Kunstgeschichte
Hrsg. FrauenKunstGeschichte – Forschungsgruppe Marburg, [Reihe: Frauen in Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Hrsg. Annette Kuhn und Valentine Rothe, Bd. XX], (MItarbeit) Pfaffenweiler
tags: art history, artists' myths, authorship, autorschaft, cultural history, cultural studies, feminist art history, feministische kunstwissenschaft, gender, gender studies, geschlecht, geschlechterforschung, history of science, kulturgeschichte, kulturwissenschaften, kunstgeschichte, künstlermythen, methodologie, methodology, subject & authorship, subjekt & autorschaft, wissenschaftsgeschichte