A Garden in the Air
Berlin-Rosenthal, August 2017
A2D2A, Botanical Mediology, center for storytelling, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY SCI, (IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Plant Communication, radio, RadioGarden, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
D.I.Y. CULTURES, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, radio, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: analogital, art & its media, art & media, art & science, biology, biosciences, city, commons, cultural entomology, cultural history, diy, diy sci, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, green, history of science, imagination, insects, invisibility, knowledge cultures, knowledge production, media, music, natural sciences, nature, net cultures, perception, popular science, radio, radio art, science, senses, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, storytelling, sustainability, time, topography, topologies, urban cultures, urban landscapes
(Bio-)Diversität – Geschlecht – Intersektionalität | (Bio-)Diversity – Gender – Intersectionality
Hrsg. | Eds. Marion Mangelsdorf, Michael Pregernig & Verena Kuni, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Geschlechterstudien, Jg. 22_2 | Vol. 22_2,
(IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
main project:
tags: alltagskultur, biosciences, biowissenschaften, cultural history, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, gender, gender studies, geschlecht, geschlechterforschung, green, grün, invisibility, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, material culture, materielle kultur, methodologie, methodology, modelle, models, nachhaltigkeit, natur, natural sciences, nature, naturwissenschaften, ökologie, participation, partizipation, repräsentation, representation, science, sustainability, topologien, topologies, umwelt, unsichtbarkeit, wissenschaft, wissenskulturen
Lecture-Colloquium & Research Workshop
with Barbara Orland
Nov 10-11, 2016
tags: agency, art & science, biowissenschaften, bodies, cultural history, ecology, gender, history of science, image & imagination, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, material culture, media, medicine, natural sciences, nature, objects & things, perception, representation, technology, tools, visual culture
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Brsg., Jan 21-22, 2016
(IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
main project:
tags: aesthetics, agency, art & science, biodiversity, biology, biosciences, communication, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, gender, gender studies, green, image & imagination, institutions, (in)visibility, invisibility, knowledge cultures, material culture, media, methodology, models, natural sciences, nature, participation, representation, sustainability, technology, tools, topographies, visual culture
Seminar 2014 [more…]
main project:
tags: aesthetics, art & media, art & science, art & society, art history, cultural history, design, displays, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, image & imagination, (in)visibility, knowledge cultures, material culture, memory, natural sciences, perception, photography, physics, popular culture, time, tools, video, visual culture, visualisation
Course (Fachwissenschaftliches Seminar) 2014 [more…]www.visuelle-kultur.info
tags: aesthetics, architecture, art & media, art & science, art history, biosciences, chemistry, communication, crafts, cultural history, design, displays, exhibitions, handmade, history of science, image & imagination, invention, knowledge cultures, material culture, mathematics, media, modelling, natural sciences, objects & things, physics, representation, things, tools, visual culture, visualisation
Interdisciplinary Project Seminar (Fachwissenschaftliches Seminar) 2013 [more…]www.visuelle-kultur.info
main project:
tags: archives, art & science, art & society, biology, biosciences, city, communication, cultural history, displays, ecology, education, environment, gender, gender studies, green, history of science, invention, (in)visibility, invisibility, knowledge cultures, mapping, material culture, media, memory, natural sciences, objects & things, place, representation, sociology, space, spaces & places, stories & histories, technology, things, topography, visual culture
Interdisciplinary Course Visual Culture & Bio-Sciences 2012 [more…]www.visuelle-kultur.info
tags: aesthetics, art & science, art history, biology, biosciences, cultural history, history of science, image & imagination, invisibility, (in)visibility, knowledge, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, media, natural sciences, perception, science education, technology, tools, visibility, visual culture, visualisation
A clandestine radio breed
A2D2A, Bee Garden Network, Botanical Mediology, center for storytelling, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY SCI, GUNSTradio, [IN]VISIBILIA, (IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, INSECT IMAGOLOGY, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, MEDIOLOGIES, METAMORPHOSES, Micro*, Plant Communication, radiator, radio, RadioGarden, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City, Urban Hauntologies
D.I.Y. CULTURES, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, radio, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: analogital, art, art & hermetism, art & media, art & occult traditions, art & science, biology, biosciences, city, commons, cultural entomology, cultural history, diy, diy sci, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, ecology, environment, esoteric traditions, everyday technologies, gardens & gardening, green, hacks, history of science, image & imagination, imagination, insects, instruments, inventing & inventions, invisibility, knowledge cultures, knowledge production, media archaeology, mimicry, music, natural sciences, nature, net cultures, occult traditions, occultation, perception, popular science, radio, radio art, science, senses, sound, sound art, stories & histories, storytelling, sustainability, time, topography, topologies, urban cultures, urban landscapes
A Garden in the Air
Berlin-Rosenthal, August 24-31, 2012
A2D2A, Bee Garden Network, Botanical Mediology, center for storytelling, D.I.Y. CULTURES, (IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Micro*, Plant Communication, radio, RadioGarden, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
D.I.Y. CULTURES, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, radio, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: analogital, art & its media, art & media, art & science, biology, biosciences, city, commons, cultural entomology, cultural history, diy, diy sci, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, green, history of science, imagination, insects, invisibility, knowledge cultures, knowledge production, media, music, natural sciences, nature, net cultures, perception, popular science, radio, radio art, science, senses, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, storytelling, sustainability, time, topography, topologies, urban cultures, urban landscapes