Yo Logo! Zur künstlerischen Auseinandersetzung mit Markenpolitiken unter Netzbedingungen
in: FKW Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur. Heft 52: Stoffe weben Geschichte(n). Textile Kunstmaterialien im transkulturellen Vergleich, Dezember
A2D2A, Critical Crafting Circle, Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, Prosumer Kulturen, SoftWareZ, Transformer
Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, SoftWareZ
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologie, art & economy, art & media, art & society, art & work, craftivism, craftivismus, cultural history, cultural studies, design, digital culture, digitale kultur, do it yourself, electronic culture, elektronische kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, fashion, gender studies, geschlechterforschung, global culture, globalkultur, handarbeit, handmade, kulturgeschichte, kulturwissenschaften, kunst & arbeit, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, kunst & ökonomie, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkultur, mode, net art, net culture, net cultures, netzkultur, netzkulturen, netzkunst, protest cultures, protestkultur, textil, textile, textiles, web based art, webbasierte kunst
SoftwAreZ. Of Moths and Microrevolts
in: Metatextile. Identity and History of a Contemporary Art Medium
Hrsg. Tristan Weddigen, Berlin
A2D2A, Critical Crafting Circle, SoftWareZ, TRANSFORMERS
main project:
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologie, art & media, art history, authorship, autorschaft, craftivism, craftivismus, cultural history, digital culture, digitale kultur, electronic culture, elektronische kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, handarbeit, handmade, kulturgeschichte, kunst & medien, kunstgeschichte, material culture, materielle kultur, media history, mediengeschichte, net art, net culture, net cultures, netzkultur, netzkulturen, netzkunst, subject & authorship, subjekt & autorschaft, textil, textile, textiles, web based art, webbasierte kunst
Medien zu Monumenten, Daten zu Dingen
in: Medienrelationen. Von Film und Videokunst bis Internet. Hrsg. Cornelia Gockel / Susanne Witzgall. München
A2D2A, Digital Dust Diaries, Hybride Bilder, [IN]VISIBILIA, (UN)SICHTBARE ARCHIVE, MEDIOLOGIEN, NETZ_KUNST, performing (in)visible archives, WiedErfinden
verwandte projekte in www.under-construction.cc:
Home Made, interfiction, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: analogital, art & its media, art & media, art history, bild & imagination, electronic arts, elektronische kunst, erinnerung, image & imagination, installation, institutionen, institutions, kunst & ihre medien, kunst & medien, kunstgeschichte, media history, media theory, mediengeschichte, medientheorie, memory, net art, netzkunst, objects & things, objekte/sachen/dinge, time, verfahren und orte der kunst, web based art, webbasierte kunst, zeit
Was vom Tage übrigbleibt. Netz-Kunst-Geschichte(n) – Beschreiben und Erzählen als Basis des Archivs?
in: Mediale Ordnungen. Erzählen, Archivieren, Beschreiben, Hrsg. Corinna Müller / Irina Scheidgen, Marburg
A2D2A, center for storytelling, DATEN & DISPLAYS, Digital Dust Diaries, [IN]VISIBILIA, (UN)SICHTBARE ARCHIVE, MEDIOLOGIEN, NETZ_KUNST, performing (in)visible archives, WiedErfinden
tags: art & its media, art & media, art history, erzählen, kunst & ihre medien, kunst & medien, kunstgeschichte, net art, netzkunst, performance, storytelling, time, web based art, webbasierte kunst, zeit
Re-Enactments from RAM? On working in the ruins of a virtual museum and on possible futures
in: Image-Problem? Media Art and Performance within the current picture/image-discussion, Hrsg. Dawn Leach /Slavko Kacunko, [deutsch / english], Berlin
A2D2A, DATA & DISPLAYS, Digital Dust Diaries, [IN]VISIBILIA, (IN)VISIBLE ARCHIVES, Metaphorology of Media, MEDIOLOGIES, NET_ART, performing (in)visible archives
related project on www.under-construction.cc:
cfs: center for storytelliing
tags: architecture, architektur, archive, archives, art & its media, art & media, art history, digital decay, digitaler verfall, kunst & ihre medien, kunst & medien, kunstgeschichte, net art, netzkunst, performance, web based art, webbasierte kunst
Media-Technologies-Cultures -Constellations, Organisations, Configurations
related projects on www.under-construction.cc:
A2D2A, interfiction
tags: aesthetics, analogital, archives, art & media, art & society, art history, art theory, audio, authorship, books, communication, computer based art, computer games, cultural history, cultural studies, design, digital culture, digital media, displays, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, electronic arts, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, gadgets, games & play, geek, gender, hacks, image & imagination, installation, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, media, media archaeology, media cultures, media history, media theory, music, net art, net cultures, network cultures, photography, popular culture, radio, radio art, representation, sound, sound art, technology, tools, topologies, video, visual music, web based art
Art under Net Conditions
main project:
related projects on www.under-construction.cc:
A2D2A, DATA & DISPLAYS, Digital Dust Diaries, Images and/as User Interfaces, interfiction, Transformers
tags: aesthetics, analogital, archives, art & media, art & public, art & science, art & society, authorship, commons, communication, computer based art, design, digital culture, displays, diy, do it yourself, economy, electronic arts, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, exhibitions, games, geek, gender, hacks, image & imagination, institutions, mapping, media cultures, net art, net cultures, network cultures, participation, popular culture, protest cultures, representation, space, spaces & places, subject & authorship, technology, tools, topographies, topologies, utopias, visual culture, web based art