Eds. Andreas Exner & Verena Kuni
Frankfurt am Main: Kann-Verlag, 2012
Further info on the Bee Hive book is so far available in German only.
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Hintergrundinformationen | Background Info:
Projekt Bienenstock auf www.visuelle-kultur.info | Project Bee Hive at www.visuelle-kultur.info
Projektseiten zum Bienenstock auf www.ArtSciEd.net | Bee Hive project pages at www.ArtSciEd.net
Projekt and publication were funded by Crespo Foundation, Frankfurt am Main.
Eds. Andreas Exner & Verena Kuni
Series: Kunst Lehren Lehren, Nr. 8
Frankfurt am Main: Kann-Verlag, 2012
64 p., color
ISBN 987-3-943619-03-4
ArtSciEd, Bee Hive, Biotope City Frankfurt
tags: art, art & media, art & science, art education, bees, biodiversity, biology, biosciences, bricolage, creativity, diy, do it yourself, education, entomology, games & play, green, image & imagination, imagination, insects, knowledge, learning, media, natural sciences, nature, perception, performance, play, science, seeing, sustainability, visual culture