((o)) radiator x – 140724 – let's get strange

rxl_k.giflet's get strange
radia #480: the pataphysical tape cut-up (tribute to felix kubin) + radia #434: number twelve

[pls. scroll down for english version]

eine radiokunststunde, in der freundinnen und freunde der seltsamen klänge auf ihre kosten kommen werden…

im ersten teil der sendung präsentiert dieter van dam ein pataphysikalisches cut-up aus den gesammelten werken von felix kubin.

im anschluss lauschen wir einem stück der experimentalelektronikerin sophie wilde. dessen titel verbürgerter massen ebenso wenig über es verrät wie umgekehrt.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


an hour of radio art dedicated to lovers of strange sounds, wonderful weird electronics, and acoustical pataphysics pataphysical acoustics…

in the first part of the show, dieter van dam presents a pataphysical tape cut-up featuring one of our most favourite pataphysicians, felix kubin:

"a sample based homage to the brilliant work of musician and radio artist Felix Kubin. The piece is build up around various fragments, most of them taken from Kubin radio experiments and music productions, some parts taken from releases on his Gagarin record label and interwoven with some bits and pieces from other artists, regarded as a source of inspiration by the artist himself (Sun Ra, Yuri Gagarin and Gregory Whitehead to name but a few)." [D.V.D.]

Find out more about felix kubin at www.felixkubin.com

afterwards, we 'll continue with another incredibly talented specialist for strange noises, sophie wilder – who won't tell us before why she choose the number twelve:

"Things Sophie likes / Electronic experimentation / Birdsong / Old Science fiction / Totnes / The great outdoors / Cats // Things Sophie hates / Convention / Capitalism / Broccoli / Winter / Spiders / Garden gnomes // Things Sophie is / A drifting clarifier / An experimenter / Usually late / An introvert // Things Sophie is not / Organised / Good at writing about herself. Sophie Wilder is not married, has no children, and does not live in Surrey." [S.W.]

Sophie Wilder has been making strange noises for over thirty years, initially at home but then as part of the legendary lost 80s band Well Crucial. Nowadays she intersperses infrequent improvisation as part of the A Band with weekly broadcasts of bizarre sounds on Soundart Radio. Her home equipment consists of a couple of battered synth modules, a few musical toys and primitive recording equipment.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
dieter van dam, felix kubin and radio XLAIR, brussels, as well as sophie wilder and soundart radio, dartington/uk, for inviting us to get strange;
and, as always radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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