DIY radioGUNSTradio special series on Do-It-Yourself-Cultures DIY radio is a theme based special series on GUNSTradio exploring the manifold facettes of contemporary Do-It-Yourself-cultures and their historical background. Meanwhile, DIY radio has become one of the 'regulars' of GUNSTradio. Further information can be retrieved at: Basic info on the DIY Exhibition at GUNSTradio at GUNSTradio show archives at radio x* * links open in a separate browser window. on legal issues see also the disclaimer. projects: A2D2A, Critical Crafting Circle, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY exhibition, DIY SCI, GUNSTradio, how2:how2, Micro*, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, Prosumer Cultures, radio, RE/CYCLING INVENTION, SoftWareZ, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, TRANSFORMERS mainprojects: D.I.Y. CULTURES, radio, SoftWareZ, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS related projects on cfs: center for storytelliing, Home Made, interfiction related project on KIOSK Art Communication |