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Hazy Time

Concepts and Considerations

Many concepts about time are committed to the idea of a stable and calculable structure to rely on and to build upon.
Most obvious examples for this kind of concepts are i.e. the majority of calendars, and also the idea of a Universal Time (see ibid.).

However, of course there are alternate concepts of time as well – and among these the concept of a hazy time is perhaps one of the most obvious options.

For these very reasons [TIK Radio] decided to strongly relate to concepts (in plural) of hazy time. These are developed dynamically, and they might remain as hazy as hazy time itself.

Nevertheless, [TIK Radio] might also end up with a Hazy Time Calendar as well.

Note: In one of our discussions about calendar systems also the concept of the so called "World Calendar popped up (Thanks, Barb!). It seems to be worth considering this concept also in relation to hazy calendars and hazy time.

Related entries:
[Alternate Time(s)]
Hazy Time Calendar (work in progress)
[TIK Radio]
Universal Time (work in progress)
World Calendar (work in progress)

tags: media, perception, radio, sound, tik, time
