Guest-Lectures – Workshops – On-Site Visits – Study Day
Summer 2021
Due to the Covid-19 measures for the time being no regular courses and events based on RL-attendance are being offered. Thus, we are currently thinking about digital alternatives or – if possible – a mixed format to be held late January or early February 2021. More information will follow.
In Summer 2021, we are continuing our work on the project "Formats of Photography" ("Formate der Fotografie"). In addition to regular courses, a series of guest lectures, workshops and other activities are being offered.
More detailed information will follow (communicated in the seminars as well as by separate announcements).
For more information about the project pls. see the related entry on FORMATE DER FOTOGRAFIE (so far available in German only – English information will follow).
Summer 2021
Guest-Lectures – Workshops – On-Site Visits
Institute for Art Education
Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, DZ Art Foyer
and other locations (see announcements) online
Formats of Photography
tags: aesthetics, agency, analogital, archives, art & media, art & public, art & science, art & society, communication, cultural history, curating, digital culture, displays, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, exhibitions, image & imagination, invisibility, knowledge cultures, material culture, media cultures, net cultures, network cultures, objects & things, perception, photography, representation, technology, tools, visual culture