Basic Seminar | Undergraduate Seminar
Winter 2021/2022
This seminar is held by Nicole Kreckel M.A.
Due to the Covid-19 measures for the time being no regular courses and events based on RL-attendance are being offered.
However, there will be a digital course instead.
Further information about the digital courses (and enrollment) is offered via QIS-LSF.
More information on courses, exams etc. at the Institute for Art Education can be found on the institute's homepage; for more general and detailed information see the Corona-Info-pages provided by Goethe-University.
The course description is available in German only.
Thank you for your kind understanding.
Winter 2021/2022
"I will survive" – Museum(s) in the 21st Century
Undergraduate Seminar
Nicole Kreckel M.A.
PS | S (2 SWS) — Thu 10-12 — Room: 206 online
FW I | L1-KU-M1 | L2-KU-M2 | L3-KU-M2 | L5-KU-M2 (3 CP)
BA/NF KMKB M2 (5 CPs)– BA/NF KMKB M4 (2 CPs) – BA/NF KMKB M6 (3 CPs) – BA/NF Gender Studies
tags: architecture, art & public, art & society, art history, collecting & collections, communication, cultural history, curating, displays, exhibitions, material culture, media, objects & things, representation, spaces & places, visual culture