

D:D:D-Walk Campus Westend

Urban Walk
Winter 2022/2023

This walk is part of the series DEMOKRATIE:DENK MAL:DEMOKRATIE – Dialogische Spaziergänge zur Kunst (Democracy – (Re-)Think Monuments – Democracy) and of the winter term programme of Goethe University's Bürgeruniversität (Citizen University).

Together, we will explore art and/as monuments in public space, and their relation to democracy – in this case by walking together Goethe University's Campus Westend.

Participants: Prof. Dr. Antje Schlottmann, human geography, Goethe University; and Prof. Dr. Verena Kuni, visual culture studies, Goethe University.

Great many thanks to Pia Barth and Isabelle Hammerschmiedt from the dept. Communication for their wonderful support!

For a more detailed information about the series pls. see the description in German.

Winter 2022/2023
DEMOKRATIE:DENK MAL:DEMOKRATIE – Dialogische Spaziergänge zur Kunst
D:D:D-Walk Campus Westend
Wed January 25, 12 hrs (sharp!)
Participation is fee, but with appointment only (see the Goethe Bürgeruniversität's website).
The meeting point is sent to the participants after their appointment.

projects: Democracy Monuments Democracy, Walk & Watch - Go & See, MAPPING THE (IN)VISIBLE CITY

tags: architecture, art & public, art & society, city, city walks, commons, communication, displays, everyday cultures, geography, image & imagination, imagination, invisibility, mapping, memory, mobility, participation, perception, performance, place, representation, space, spaces & places, topography, topology, urban cultures, urban landscapes, urban planning, urban research, urbanism, visibility, walking