


Walking & Talking Art and Monunments in Public Space

Planned and prepared for quite some time as part of our ongoing research on and in the (IN)VISIBLE CITY, and our ongoing research format and project GEHEN & SEHEN (Walk & Talk), now finally inaugurated in occasion of the programmes celebrating democracy (see also the initiatives "Demokratie als Lebensform" and the Netzwerk Paulskirche), we have started with curious walks-and-talks exploring public space with a special focus on art and monuments.

A project and programme in cooperation with Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Dr. Jessica Beebone.
Kindly supported by Bürgeruniversität Frankfurt to which we contribute with regular walks.

For more info pls see the German version of this entry.

project: Democracy Monuments Democracy

tags: architecture, art & public, art & society, city, city walks, commons, communication, displays, everyday cultures, geography, image & imagination, imagination, invisibility, mapping, memory, mobility, participation, perception, performance, place, representation, space, spaces & places, topography, topology, urban cultures, urban landscapes, urban planning, urban research, urbanism, visibility, walking