

Walk & Watch – Go & See

Project Seminar & Excursions
Summer 2024

Walking and watching, cruising and seeing, navigating and charting, collecting and sorting, visualizing and communicating: The workshop aims to investigate — in theory as well as in practice — techniques, strategies and modes of exploring the (in)visible city. Tracing, tracking, and leaving marks will be a core activity.

Starting point and basic working format are city walks, hereby consciously drawing back to a cultural practice used by many artists and artist's collectives from early modernity onwards.

In Summer 2024, the walks are part of our ongoing explorations of the (IN)VISIBLE CITY, with a special focus on the CAMPUS (in plural, see the related seminars and study-research focus), and in this framework also on MO(NU)MENTS (see the related lecture-seminar and seminar-colloquium from Summer 2024), and in this framework we will also offer additional special walks addressing art and monuments in public space (DEMOKRATIE:DENKMAL:DEMOKRATIE – Dialogische Spaziergänge zur Kunst). Moreover, there will be also walks the CAMPUS WANDELN series (although the format of that series with its focus on sustainability is not only and therefore not always based on walks).

For a more detailed general text pls. see the extended project description in German.

Summer 2024
Walk & Watch
Project Seminar & Exkursions (ongoing*)
* New participants are always welcome.

projects: Walk & Watch - Go & See, MAPPING THE (IN)VISIBLE CITY

tags: architecture, art & public, art & society, city, city walks, commons, communication, displays, everyday cultures, geography, image & imagination, imagination, invisibility, mapping, mobility, participation, perception, performance, place, representation, space, spaces & places, topography, topology, urban cultures, urban landscapes, urban planning, urban research, urbanism, visibility, walking