((o)) radiator x – 131031 – transmission(s)

radia #444e: inductance duo + radia #363: reflections on floating messsages

[pls. scroll down for english version]

übertragungen. zum beispiel in form einer induktion, die ihrerseits klänge generiert, die um die halbe welt gehen.
aber es lassen sich natürlich auch andere botschaften übertragen. die in unseren ohren nicht weniger fremd klingen mögen – zumal wenn ihre bedeutung in der zeit verloren gegangen ist.

im ersten teil der sendung schickt tetsuo kogawa seine live-radioperformance "inductance" auf die reise von japan nach deutschland. wo sie von knut aufermann gewandelt und in feedback-loops übers radio zurückgeschickt wird.

im anschluss begeben wir uns noch einmal mit der new yorker komponistin annie gosfield auf die spuren von radiosendungen und -botschaften, die der britische geheimdienst im zweiten weltkrieg mit mitgliedern von widerstandsbewegungen tauschte.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


transmissions. for example: an induction. that generates sounds being broadcasted around the globe, back and forth. again and again.
but then there are also messages, once sent and meant to be understood. by others.
what do these transmissions mean to us?

in the first part of the show tetsuo kogawa's live radio performance "inductance" is being broadcasted from japan to germany, where knut aufermann catches the waves and sends feedback loops back to the radio.

in the second part of the show new york based composer annie gosfield gives us insight into her research on secret broadcasts purposefully submerged into the oceans of silence:

"[….] Floating Messages and Fading Frequencies, based on the secret radio transmissions between British Intelligence and the Resistance movements in the Second World War." [L.G.]

Find our more about Annie Gosfield at www.anniegosfield.com

Please note: radia #444e is a replacement show for the original contribution from radio CKUT, "The magic smut box" – like many other stations from radia art radio network we were not able to send that show due to it's explicit contents. We regret.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
tetsuo kogawa, knut aufermann and resonance fm, london, for transmitting inductions and feedback loops;
annie gosfield, lucinda guy and soundArt radio, dartington, for transmissions of floating messages and fading frequencies;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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