((o)) radiator x – 140529 – noisy

radia #472: UIOR + radia #455: the quiet noisy interview

[pls. scroll down for english version]

was meint das eigentlich: noisy? lärmig? lärmend? geräuschvoll? zu einem angemessenen begriff zu finden, ist womöglich nicht nur ein übersetzungsproblem. aber wir wollen es trotzdem versuchen. natürlich nach radia-art…

zunächst mit den noise-musikern von UIOR. und anschliessend noch einmal in einem gespräch, das dieter van dam mit dem amerikanischen kulturhistoriker hillel schwartz führt, der 2011 ein buch zum thema veröffentlicht hat.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


what is noisy? let uns try to define. or better: explore it before we do so. and how? of course the radia way. theory and practice combined.

in the first part of the show the noise art musicians from UIOR present their definition of a noisy concert – between heaven and hell:

"UIOR belongs to the experimental German-Russian Noiseart-scene […] In the last years UIOR started to work with frequencies beyond our audible range – silent sounds effectively … – UIOR doesn’t work for music-labels anymore but joined different fine art ensembles in St. Petersburg and Tallinn." [R.W.]

the second part of the show invites us to join a quiet noisy talk: an interview by dieter van dam with the american historian hillel schwartz – author of the must-read "The Culture of the Copy" (New York: Zone Books, 1996) – who has written a wonderful book about noise (Making noise. From Babel to the big bang and beyond. New York, Zone Books, 2011).

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
UIOR and radio corax, halle, as well as hillel schwartz, dieter van dam and radio XLAIR, brussels, for making and talking about noise;
and, as always radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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