((o)) radiator x – 141218 – cut up

rxl_k.gifcut up
radia #504: datscharadio audiokomposter + radia #237: reheat the schnitzel

[pls. scroll down for english version]

das ganze ist mehr als die summe seiner teile – das gilt erst recht, wenn die teile heterogener herkunft und dementsprechend unterschiedlichen charakters sind. oder täuscht uns nur der grad der abstraktion – und eigentlich geht es um die kunst der reduktion qua erosion?

im ersten teil der sendung werden die erträge aus 100 tagen datschradio während der landesgartenschau in gießen kompostiert.

im anschluss wird schnitzel bzw. geschnetzeltes aus dem archiv des REHEAT-festivals serviert.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten.


the whole is more than just the sum of its parts. this is even more true when the parts are of heterogenous origin(s) and character. or are we fooled by abstraction – and it's rather about the high art of reduction by erosion and decay?

the first part we'll get offered a good portion of fresh'n'healthy audio compost gathered in the gardens of datscharadio gießen:

"From a 100 days broadcast on the Landesgartenschau Gießen, Datscharadio brought back an archive with audiofiles in a state of digital decomposition. The show takes three different depositories of audio material and traverses them to present an impossible algorithmic summary, a auto-montage of an already diverse ethnopoetic collection of todays garden cultures in an average mid size town in Germany." [P.S.]

The 100 days of Datscharadio Gießen were conceived and conducted by Gabi Schaffner and Pit Schultz. The field reserach at place was done by Gabi Schaffner, who also collected most of the audio material; the composting – based on the Schnitzel software by Dieb13 – has been done by Pit Schultz.

find out more about Datscharadio at datscharadio.de

afterwards, we'll serve again a very special meal with a schnitzelessen coming from the complex cuisine of the legendary reheat festival:

"This years REHEAT festival's theme was 'electromagnetism' and therefore an ideal place to capture sounds for a radio show. The proceedings of the whole day included video installations, gps guided tours, lectures, many concerts and much more. The best way to represent this multitude was to send all recordings through the cut-up software called 'Schnitzel' written by one of the festivals co-organizers Dieb13. It was a great festival, next year you should go there in person. Until then there is this show." [K.A.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
gabi schaffner, pit schultz and reboot.fm berlin as well as dieb13, mobile radio a.k.a. sarah washington and knut aufermann, the reheat festival and resonance fm london, for a good portion of cut-ups;
and, as always radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.

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