((o)) radiator x – 100813 – stalkers

radia #273: history exhaustion + radia #193: the military landscape show

[pls. scroll down for english version]

heute werden wir in die zone reisen. ein land, das kein niemandsland und doch verloren ist.
zunächst begeben wir uns auf eine expedition ohne wiederkehr.
im anschluss durchwandern wir militärgebiete von alaska bis neu mexiko.

radia # 273: "history exhaustion" von francis hunger ist ein original-beitrag von radiator x für das kunstradio-netzwerk radia.fm
premierenwoche auf den beteiligten sendern: 21.06.-27.06.2010

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


today we'll take a trip to the zone. no no man's land. but nevertheless lost.

first we'll join an expedition with no return:

"three friends search for an ominous radio station that transmits number sequences with mysterious messages. told is the expedition’s story through an area bearing names such as 'path of the invisible hand', 'stalin highlands' or 'post-modernist cave labyrinth'.
the characters – student, entrepreneur, skilled worker – lose their life or at least get lost under unpleasant circumstances…" [F.H.]

history exhaustion is the audio transformation of an installation francis hunger created in 2009, focussing on the subject of 'verausgabung' (exhaustion).
with the voice of richard cotter.

francis hunger is an artist, writer and curator. he lives in leipzig, germany. find out more about francis hunger and his work at www.irmielin.org
further information on the installation work 'history exhaustion' can be found at www.irmielin.org/works/history_exhaustion/index.htm
and at www.metro-berlin.net/index.php/francis-hunger-history-exhaustion-press-release

radia # 273: "history exhaustion" by francis hunger is a contribution by radiator x for radia art radio network
premiere week on radia: june 21-27, 2010

afterwards we walk military landscapes in different countries from alaska to new mexico:

"The sonic resonance that surround current and former military landscapes have intrigued artists working with sound. Memories of power and technology settle as an uneasy layer in these environments, creating opportunities for artists. I intend for this to be an on-going series, hopefully weaving in writings, interviews and inviting collaborations." [J.C.]

"military landscape" is a radio project curated and produced by jay cotter. with pieces by richard lerman and louise k. wilson.

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
francis hunger for leading us into the zone and radio x for making this production/release possible;
jay needham, richard lerman, louise k. wilson and radio zero, lisbon, for additional audiowalks trough military landscapes;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.



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