((o)) radiator x – 110630 – collapse and expand

rxl_k.gifcollapse and expand
radia #323: colapso + # #220: 0°1533 project

[pls. scroll down for english version]

kollaps und ausdehnung. audiopolitisch.

zunächst in lissabon, wo unterschiedliche klang- und radiokünstlerInnen ihre arbeiten wortwörtlich zusammenfallen lassen.
anschliessend in brüssel, wo der akustische stadtraum soziopolitisch ausgelotet und erweitert wird.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


collapse and expand: applied research in audiopolitics.
first with sound and radio artists from lisbon who let their pieces literally collapse:

"A partir da ideia de colapso ­— termo que designa a origem súbita de desabamento ou desfalecimento, da súbita diminuição da energia do cérebro e de todas as forças nervosas, ­ou a um estado de decadência, de degradação, de ruína —, são alinhados quase aleatoriamente, testemunhos sonoros de diferentes tipos de discurso: tecnológico, mediático, artístico e político. Aglutinados pelo actual ambiente de sentido, estes fragmentos sonoros desconexos, mais pela emoção que pela razão, acabam por compor um todo coerente." [V.V./C.N.]

afterwards in brussels, where the acoustic cityscape is mapped for its sociopolitical implications – and in this turn expanded as well:

"[…] There is no pre-defined model. A minimum of common sounds is devised, acting purely as inductive filters. The notion of repetition is abolished here through the renewal, or constant transformation, of sound and visual motions. To enhance this dynamism, the project can interact with other artistic disciplines through different interventions based on new parameters. In parallel with the above, 0°1533 takes a social and political stance while maintaining its commitment towards the notion of 'useful' art." [G.T./G.R./J.L.M.]

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
vasco vidigal, carlos norton and radio zero, lisbon, for a great colapse;
gabriel tapia, gustavo riego and josé luis macas from the art In the public space (AEsP) workshop of the brussels royal academy of fine art and radio campus, brussels, for a great expansion;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.



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