

interfiction XXV / 2018 – Tools for Transformation

Interdisciplinary Conference & Workshop-Summit
in the framework of 35th Documentary Film and Video Festival Kassel
Kassel, November 16-18, 2018 – KulturBahnhof, Offener Kanal

Something should change? This requires – as in 1968 the now legendary "Whole Earth Catalog" put it – access to tools.
50 years after the year that up till today is associated with an era of protest movements striving for transformation of almost all social realms, year’s interfiction summit for art, media and network cultures is focussing on TOOLS FOR TRANSFORMATION.

While the so-called digital revolution has long begun to devour its children and to unfold reactionary powers, we are asking for alternatives – and for what we can learn from history to re-load our analogital toolboxes anew.

As always, a DIY-HackLab, selected festival short film programs and Monitoring exhibition talks are part of interfiction’s schedule as well.

interfiction XXV / 2018
Tools for Transformation
Interdisciplinary Conference & Workshop Summit for Art, Media and Network Cultures
Director: Verena Kuni
Team 2018: Karsten Asshauer, Max Holicki, Anders Turge Lehr & Verena Kuni

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projects: A2D2A, DATA & DISPLAYS, D.I.Y. CULTURES, how2:how2, interfiction, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, Metaphorology of Media, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, RE/CYCLING INVENTION, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS


tags: aesthetics, agency, art & media, art & society, commons, creativity, design, digital culture, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, everyday culture, everyday technologies, film, gadgets, geek, hacks, image & imagination, informatics, inventing & inventions, knowledge cultures, learning, material culture, models, network cultures, philosophical-toys, popular culture, toys & tools, video



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