Vortrag | Lecture
Symposium "Tran/Feminist Hacking. Spaces – Communities – Practices", Einstein Center Digital Future, December 12-13, 2019 | 12./13.12.
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tags: agency, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & society, cyberfeminism, cyberfeminismus, digital culture, digitale kultur, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, erfindungen & erfinden, everyday culture, everyday technologies, geek, hacks, instrumente, instruments, inventing & inventions, knowledge cultures, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkultur, medienkulturen, objects & things, objekte/sachen/dinge, technologie, technology, tools, werkzeug, wissenskulturen
in: The CRITICAL MAKERS Reader. (Un)Learning from Technology, Hrsg. | Eds. Loes Bogers & Letizia Chiappini, Institute of Network Cultures – INC Reader #12, Amsterdam
A2D2A, D.I.Y. CULTURES, how2:how2, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, MEDIOLOGIES, Micro*, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, Vehicles
tags: agency, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, bildung, critique, design, digital culture, digitale kultur, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, education, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, instrumente, instruments, knowledge cultures, kritik, kunst & medien, learning, lernen, material, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, modelle, models, participation, partizipation, technologie, technology, tools, werkzeug, wissenskulturen
in: The CRITICAL MAKERS Reader. (Un)Learning from Technology, Hrsg. | Eds. Loes Bogers & Letizia Chiappini. Institute of Network Cultures – INC Reader #12, Amsterdam
A2D2A, D.I.Y. CULTURES, how2:how2, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, MEDIOLOGIES, Micro*, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, Vehicles
tags: agency, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, bildung, critique, design, digital culture, digitale kultur, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, education, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, instrumente, instruments, knowledge cultures, kritik, kunst & medien, learning, lernen, material, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, modelle, models, participation, partizipation, technologie, technology, tools, werkzeug, wissenskulturen
Interdisziplinäre Workshop-Tagung | Interdisciplinary Workshop-Summit for Art, Media & Network Cultures
im Rahmen des 36. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofestes | in the framework of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Kassel, Nov 15-17, 2019 | 15.-17.11.2019
Einführungsvortrag & Leitung
DATEN & DISPLAYS, Hybride Bilder, interfiction, WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge, Metaphorologie der Medien, MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: aesthetics, agency, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & society, bild & imagination, design, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday culture, everyday technologies, geek, hacks, image & imagination, informatics, informatik, knowledge cultures, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, media cultures, medienkulturen, net cultures, netzkulturen, subject & authorship, subjekt & autorschaft, technologie, technology, tools, utopias, utopien, video, visual culture, visuelle kultur, werkzeug, wissenskulturen
Vortrag | Lecture
Workshop "Über das Versiegeln und Öffnen von Black Boxes – Dispositive und Artefaktarrangements als Analyseinstrumente", Universität Heidelberg, artes liberales – universitas, May 23-25, 2019 | 23.-25.05.
A2D2A, Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, [IN]VISIBILIA, WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge, Metaphorologie der Medien, MEDIOLOGIEN, Philosophisches Spielzeug, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: analogital, art & media, design, digital culture, digitale kultur, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, gadgets, geek, hacks, instrumente, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, media archaeology, media cultures, medienarchäologie, medienkulturen, objects & things, objekte/sachen/dinge, occultation, okkultation, technologie, technology, tools, topologien, topologies, unsichtbarkeit, verdunklung, werkzeug, wissenskulturen
"MAY I SIT? A symposium-workshop about art education, current politics and the institution of art", HfG Offenbach, Feb 01, 2019 | 01.02.
D.I.Y. CULTURES, how2:how2, [IN]VISIBILIA, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, Micro*, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, Vehicles
tags: aesthetics, agency, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & public, art & society, ästhetik, bild & imagination, bildung, commons, communication, design, displays, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, education, erfindungen & erfinden, everyday technologies, geschichten & geschichte, hacks, image & imagination, institutionen, institutions, instrumente, instruments, inventing & inventions, knowledge cultures, kommunikation, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, kunst & öffentlichkeit, material, modelle, models, repräsentation, representation, stories & histories, subject & authorship, subjekt & autorschaft, tools, vermittlung, werkzeug, wissenskulturen
A Garden Year on Air – Garden Knowledge, Garden Cultures and Garten Art
(In)Visible Gardens in Frankfurt, Rhein-Main and beyond
Bad Frankfurt, Bee Garden Network, Botanical Mediology, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY SCI, GUNSTradio, how2:how2, (IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Plant Communication, radio, RadioGarden, Cultures of Sustainability, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
D.I.Y. CULTURES, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, radio, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: aesthetics, agency, analogital, architecture, art & its media, art & media, art & public, art & science, art & society, audio, biology, biosciences, city, city walks, commons, communication, cultural history, cultural studies, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gardens & gardening, green, handmade, image & imagination, insects, installation, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, material culture, mobility, nature, participation, place, public space, radio, radio art, sites of art, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, storytelling, sustainability, technology, time, topography, topologies, topology, urban cultures, urban landscapes, urban planning, urban research, urbanism, utopias, visual culture
Research Workshop
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Dec 18-19, 2018
Botanical Mediology, [IN]VISIBILIA, INSECT IMAGOLOGY, (IN)VISIBLE TYPOLOGIES, Metaphorology of Media, MEDIOLOGIES, METAMORPHOSES, Plant Communication, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: aesthetics, agency, anthropology, art & media, art & science, biodiversity, biology, biosciences, bodies, communication, cultural history, design, ecology, environment, everyday culture, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, gender, green, history of science, image & imagination, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, material culture, metamorphosis, methodology, mimesis, mimicry, models, music, natural history, nature, photography, popular culture, sociology, sound, sound art, storytelling, subject & authorship, technology, topologies, video, visual culture
Interdisziplinäre Workshop-Tagung | Interdisciplinary Workshop-Summit for Art, Media & Network Cultures
im Rahmen des 35. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofestes | in the framework of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Kassel, 16.-18. 11 2018 | Nov 16-18, 2018
Einführungsvortrag & Leitung | Introduction lecture & direction
A2D2A, DATEN & DISPLAYS, Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, how2:how2, interfiction, WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge, Metaphorologie der Medien, MEDIOLOGIEN, Philosophisches Spielzeug, WiedErfinden, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: aesthetics, agency, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & society, ästhetik, bild & imagination, commons, communication, cultural history, design, digital culture, digitale kultur, displays, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, everyday culture, everyday technologies, film, geek, hacks, image & imagination, informatics, informatik, knowledge cultures, kommunikation, kulturgeschichte, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, network cultures, netzkulturen, participation, partizipation, popkultur, popular culture, technologie, technology, tools, utopias, utopien, video, visual culture, visuelle kultur, werkzeug, wissenskulturen
Interdisciplinary Conference & Workshop-Summit
in the framework of 35th Documentary Film and Video Festival Kassel
Kassel, November 16-18, 2018 – KulturBahnhof, Offener Kanal
A2D2A, DATA & DISPLAYS, D.I.Y. CULTURES, how2:how2, interfiction, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, Metaphorology of Media, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, RE/CYCLING INVENTION, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS
tags: aesthetics, agency, art & media, art & society, commons, creativity, design, digital culture, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, everyday culture, everyday technologies, film, gadgets, geek, hacks, image & imagination, informatics, inventing & inventions, knowledge cultures, learning, material culture, models, network cultures, philosophical-toys, popular culture, toys & tools, video