Interdisziplinäre Workshop-Tagung | Interdisciplinary Workshop-Summit for Art, Media & Network Cultures
im Rahmen des 34. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofestes | in the framework of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Kassel, 17.-19. 11 2017 | Nov 17-19, 2017
Einführung & Leitung | Introduction & direction
A2D2A, Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, interfiction, (UN)SICHTBARE STADT, WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge, Metaphorologie der Medien, MEDIOLOGIEN, Kulturen der Nachhaltigkeit, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug, Transformer
MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: aesthetics, agency, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & public, art & society, ästhetik, bild & imagination, commons, communication, digital culture, digitale kultur, displays, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, ecology, economy, everyday culture, everyday technologies, film, geek, geschichten & geschichte, hacks, image & imagination, informatics, informatik, invisibility, kommunikation, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, kunst & öffentlichkeit, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, modelle, models, network cultures, netzkulturen, ökologie, ökonomie, orte & räume, participation, partizipation, science, science fiction, spaces & places, stories & histories, technologie, technology, time, tools, topologien, topologies, unsichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, video, visual culture, visuelle kultur, werkzeug, wissenschaft, zeit
A Garden in the Air
Berlin-Rosenthal, August 2017
A2D2A, Botanical Mediology, center for storytelling, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY SCI, (IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Plant Communication, radio, RadioGarden, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
D.I.Y. CULTURES, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, radio, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: analogital, art & its media, art & media, art & science, biology, biosciences, city, commons, cultural entomology, cultural history, diy, diy sci, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, green, history of science, imagination, insects, invisibility, knowledge cultures, knowledge production, media, music, natural sciences, nature, net cultures, perception, popular science, radio, radio art, science, senses, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, storytelling, sustainability, time, topography, topologies, urban cultures, urban landscapes
(Bio-)Diversität – Geschlecht – Intersektionalität | (Bio-)Diversity – Gender – Intersectionality
Hrsg. | Eds. Marion Mangelsdorf, Michael Pregernig & Verena Kuni, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Geschlechterstudien, Jg. 22_2 | Vol. 22_2,
(IN)VISIBLE GARDENS, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures, Urban Biotopes : Biotope City
main project:
tags: alltagskultur, biosciences, biowissenschaften, cultural history, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, gender, gender studies, geschlecht, geschlechterforschung, green, grün, invisibility, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, material culture, materielle kultur, methodologie, methodology, modelle, models, nachhaltigkeit, natur, natural sciences, nature, naturwissenschaften, ökologie, participation, partizipation, repräsentation, representation, science, sustainability, topologien, topologies, umwelt, unsichtbarkeit, wissenschaft, wissenskulturen
32. Kassel Dokumentary Film and Video Festival, Nov 14, 2015
interfiction, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, Metaphorology of Media, MEDIOLOGIES, Perpetuum Mobile, SENDER, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS
tags: analogital, art & media, cognition, digital culture, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, gadgets, geek, hacks, image & imagination, informatics, inventing & inventions, invisibility, knowledge cultures, media archaeology, media cultures, network cultures, neurosciences, objects & things, perception, science, senses, technology, tools
32. Kassel Dokumentary Film and Video Festival, Nov 13, 2015
[IN]VISIBILIA, interfiction, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, Metaphorology of Media, MEDIOLOGIES, SENDER, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS
tags: analogital, art & media, cognition, digital culture, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, gadgets, geek, hacks, image & imagination, informatics, inventing & inventions, invisibility, knowledge cultures, media archaeology, media cultures, network cultures, neurosciences, objects & things, perception, science, senses, technology, tools
Panel Intro & Moderation
NODE 2015 Symposium "Wrapped in Code – The Future of the Informed Body", Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main, 30.04.2015 | April 30,
A2D2A, Cyborg Configurations, D.I.Y. CULTURES, how2:how2, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, MEDIOLOGIES, SoftWareZ, TechnoNatureCultures, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, TRANSFORMERS
D.I.Y. CULTURES, TechnoNatureCultures, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologie, art & media, art & society, bodies, communication, design, digital culture, digitale kultur, displays, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, electronic arts, elektronische kunst, erfindungen, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gadgets, inventions, invisibility, knowledge cultures, kommunikation, körper, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkultur, objects & things, objekte/sachen/dinge, science, spielzeug & werkzeug, technologie, technology, textiles, tools, toys & tools, unsichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, werkzeug, wissenschaft, wissenskulturen
Interdisciplinary Conference & Workshop-Summit
in the framework of 32nd Documentary Film and Video Festival Kassel
Kassel, November 13-15, 2015 – KulturBahnhof, Offener Kanal
A2D2A, D.I.Y. CULTURES, DIY SCI, interfiction, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, Metaphorology of Media, MEDIOLOGIES, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, RE/CYCLING INVENTION, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, TRANSFORMERS
tags: analogital, art & media, bricolage, cognition, design, digital culture, diy, diy sci, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, gadgets, geek, hacks, image & imagination, informatics, inventing & inventions, invisibility, knowledge cultures, media archaeology, media cultures, network cultures, neurosciences, objects & things, perception, science, senses, technology, tools, toys & tools, video, visual culture
Interdisziplinäre Workshop-Tagung für Kunst, Medien & Netzkultur | Interdisciplinary Workshop-Summit for Art, Media & Network Cultures
im Rahmen des 31. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofests | in the framework of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, 14.-16.11.2014 | Nov 14-16, 2014
Einführungsvortrag & Leitung | Introduction lecture & direction
A2D2A, DATEN & DISPLAYS, Bilder und/als Benutzeroberflächen, interfiction, WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge, MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug, Transformer
MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: aesthetics, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologie, analogital, art & media, art & science, art & society, ästhetik, bild & imagination, communication, design, digital culture, digitale kultur, displays, erzählen, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, gender, geschlecht, hacks, image & imagination, invisibility, knowledge cultures, kommunikation, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, kunst & naturwissenschaften, kunst & wissenschaft, material, media cultures, medienkultur, modelle, models, net cultures, network cultures, netzkulturen, repräsentation, representation, science, storytelling, technologie, technology, tools, topologien, topologies, unsichtbarkeit, veranschaulichung, visual culture, visualisation, visualisierung, visuelle kultur, werkzeug, wissenschaft, wissenskulturen
Projektvorstellung | Project Presentation
CGC Forum, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, 22.10.2014 | Oct 22,
center for storytelling, DATEN & DISPLAYS, [IN]VISIBILIA, (UN)SICHTBARE STADT, (UN)SICHTBARE TYPOLOGIEN, WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge, MEDIOLOGIEN, TechnoNaturKulturen, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
[IN]VISIBILIA, MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: alltagskultur, art & science, art & society, bildung, biosciences, biowissenschaften, communication, cultural history, education, erinnerung, everyday cultures, gender studies, geschichten & geschichte, geschlechterforschung, history of science, institutionen, institutions, invisibility, knowledge cultures, kommunikation, kulturgeschichte, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & naturwissenschaften, kunst & wissenschaft, mapping, memory, natur, nature, orte & räume, perception, repräsentation, representation, science, spaces & places, stories & histories, tools, topographien, topographies, unsichtbarkeit, visual culture, visuelle kultur, wahrnehmung, werkzeug, wissenschaft, wissenschaftsgeschichte, wissenskulturen
Project Presentation & Discussion 2014 [more…]www.visuelle-kultur.info
main project:
tags: art & science, biology, biosciences, chemistry, city, cultural history, education, history of science, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, mapping, mathematics, medicine, natural history, nature, physics, representation, science, sociology, space, spaces & places, topography, visual culture, visualisation, walking