Lecture-Colloquium & Research Workshop
with Barbara Orland
Nov 10-11, 2016
tags: agency, art & science, biowissenschaften, bodies, cultural history, ecology, gender, history of science, image & imagination, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, material culture, media, medicine, natural sciences, nature, objects & things, perception, representation, technology, tools, visual culture
Stoff-Wechsel : Subject Matter Metabolism
Lecture-Colloquium & Research Workshop | Vortrag, Kolloquium & Forschungsworkshop
mit | with PD. Dr. Barbara Orland
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Nov 10-11, 2016 | 10./11.11.
DATEN & DISPLAYS, WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge, MEDIOLOGIEN, TechnoNaturKulturen, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
MEDIOLOGIEN, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
verwandtes projekt in www.visuelle-kultur.info:
WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge
tags: agency, art & science, bild & imagination, biosciences, biowissenschaften, bodies, gender, geschlecht, history of science, image & imagination, invisibility, knowledge cultures, kunst & wissenschaft, material culture, materielle kultur, media, medicine, medien, medizin, natur, nature, technologie, technology, tools, unsichtbarkeit, visual culture, visuelle kultur, werkzeug, wissenschaftsgeschichte, wissenskulturen
Vortragsreihe | Lecture Series "NatureCultures of Milk" CGC Colloquium, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 06.07.2016 | July 6,
Kulturen der Nachhaltigkeit, TechnoNaturKulturen
tags: aesthetics, agency, alltagskultur, alltagstechnologie, art & science, art & society, ästhetik, bild & imagination, biosciences, biowissenschaften, bodies, cultural history, ecology, economy, environment, everyday culture, everyday technologies, gender studies, geschlechterforschung, green, grün, history of science, image & imagination, invisibility, knowledge cultures, körper, kulturgeschichte, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & naturwissenschaften, kunst & wissenschaft, material culture, materielle kultur, media, medicine, medien, medizin, modelle, models, nachhaltigkeit, natur, nature, ökologie, ökonomie, repräsentation, representation, sustainability, technologie, technology, topologien, topologies, umwelt, unsichtbarkeit, visual culture, visuelle kultur, wissenschaftsgeschichte, wissenskulturen
Cornelia Goethe Colloquium
Summer 2016
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series
Cultures of Sustainability, TechnoNatureCultures
tags: agency, art & science, biodiversity, biology, biosciences, cultural history, cultural studies, ecology, economy, everyday cultures, gender, history, history of science, image & imagination, knowledge, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, material culture, media, medicine, nature, popular culture, representation, sociology, stories & histories, sustainability, technology, topography, topology, typology, visual culture
Project Presentation & Discussion 2014 [more…]www.visuelle-kultur.info
main project:
tags: art & science, biology, biosciences, chemistry, city, cultural history, education, history of science, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, mapping, mathematics, medicine, natural history, nature, physics, representation, science, sociology, space, spaces & places, topography, visual culture, visualisation, walking
Typecasting and/as Withdrawal
Aesthetics and Politics, Dispositives and Displays of a Cultural Technqiue and Institution in Science, Art and Popular Culture
main project:
related projects on www.under-construction.cc:
Artists-Images, DATA & DISPLAYS, (IN)VISIBLE ARCHIVES, (IN)VISIBLE CITY, Mediologies, Performing (In)Visible Archives, Urban Hauntolologies
tags: aesthetics, agency, anthropology, archives, art & hermetism, art & media, art & occult traditions, art & public, art & science, art & society, biology, biosciences, communication, cultural history, design, digital culture, displays, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, gender, hermeticism, history of science, image & imagination, informatics, institutions, instruments, (in)visibility, knowledge cultures, laboratory culture, material culture, media cultures, medicine, modelling, models, occultation, perception, photography, popular culture, representation, seeing, topologies, visual culture
"… ist ein ganz besondrer Saft". Blut als Material und Substanz in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
Vortrag | Lecture
Kolloquium "Am Leitfaden des Leibes II: Das Blut", Zinzendorfhaus Neudietendorf, 04.12.-06.12.
Kunst der Verdunklung, Künstler-Bilder, Künstler - Magier - Alchemisten, [IN]VISIBILIA, It's Magic!
tags: anthroposophie, anthroposophy, art & hermetism, art & occult traditions, bild & imagination, esoteric traditions, esoterische traditionen, history of science, homeopathic medicine, homöopathie, image & imagination, invisibility, kunst & hermetik, kunst & okkulte traditionen, magic, magie, material, medicine, medizin, topologien, topologies, unsichtbarkeit, wissenschaftsgeschichte
Vortrag | Lecture
Tagung "Homöopathische Wahlverwandtschaften. Ethnopharmazie, Alchemie, Mesmerismus", Eisenach, 28.08.-31.08.1997, 30.08.
Kunst der Verdunklung, Künstler-Bilder, Künstler - Magier - Alchemisten, [IN]VISIBILIA, It's Magic!
tags: alchemie, alchemy, anthroposophie, anthroposophy, art & hermetism, art & its media, art & occult traditions, art & science, artists' myths, artists' image, bild & imagination, bild vom künstler, history of science, homeopathic medicine, homöopathie, image & imagination, invisibility, kunst & hermetik, kunst & ihre medien, kunst & naturwissenschaften, kunst & okkulte traditionen, kunst & wissenschaft, künstlermythen, magic, magie, medicine, medizin, sichtbarkeit, subject & authorship, subjekt & autorschaft, unsichtbarkeit, visibility, wissenschaftsgeschichte
Vortrag | Lecture
Tagung "Der Umweg über die Kunst", Förderverein der Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung e. V. Braunschweig & Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Wolfenbüttel 01./02.03.1997, March 2, 1997| 02.03.
Kunst der Verdunklung, Künstler-Bilder, Künstler - Magier - Alchemisten, [IN]VISIBILIA, It's Magic!
tags: alchemie, alchemy, anthroposophie, anthroposophy, art & hermetism, art & occult traditions, artists' myths, artists' image, bild & imagination, bild vom künstler, homeopathic medicine, homöopathie, image & imagination, knowledge cultures, kunst & hermetik, kunst & okkulte traditionen, künstlermythen, magic, magie, material, medicine, medizin, subject & authorship, subjekt & autorschaft, wissenskulturen
Institute for European Ethnology and Cultural Studies, Philipps-University Marburg, January 15 – March 15, 1995
Museum for Sepulchral Culture (Museum für Sepulkralkultur), Kassel (1996), Volkskunde- und Freilichtmuseum Roscheider Hof, Konz (1998)
main project:
tags: aesthetics, anthropology, archives, art & society, art history, artists' image, bodies, city, communication, cultural history, death, death culture, design, displays, everyday cultures, exhibitions, folk art, image & imagination, image of the artist, institutions, invisibility, knowledge cultures, material, material culture, media, medicine, memory, objects & things, occultation, perception, popular culture, representation, sepulchral culture, sociology, spaces & places, stories & histories, storytelling, things, time, topologies, urban landscapes, utopias, visual culture