Knit Hack Days 2014, ETIB Berlin, March 31 – April 6, 2014 – April 2, 2014
A2D2A, Critical Crafting Circle, D.I.Y. CULTURES, how2:how2, Knowledge of Tools - Tools of Knowledge, Micro*, PHILOSOPHICAL TOYS, RE/CYCLING INVENTION, SoftWareZ, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS, Vehicles
tags: aesthetics, agency, analogital, art & economy, art & media, art & public, art & science, art & society, art & work, authorship, cognition, commons, communication, craftivism, crafts, creativity, design, digital culture, displays, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, ecology, environment, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, gender, hacks, handmade, informatics, instruments, inventing & inventions, inventions, knitting, knowledge, knowledge cultures, learning, material, material culture, mathematics, media cultures, models, net cultures, network cultures, neurosciences, objects & things, participation, popular culture, prosumer culture, recycling, subject & authorship, technology, textiles, things, tools, utopias, visualisation, work
A2D2A, Critical Crafting Circle, Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, how2:how2, WerkzeugWissen - WissensWerkzeuge, Philosophisches Spielzeug, WiedErfinden, SoftWareZ, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug, Transformer
Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, SoftWareZ, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologie, analogital, art, art & media, basteln, bricolage, commons, communication, craftivism, craftivismus, design, digital culture, digital media, digitale kultur, digitale medien, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gadgets, geek, gender, geschlecht, handarbeit, handmade, knitting, kommunikation, kunst, kunst & medien, material, material culture, materielle kultur, modelle, models, net cultures, netzkulturen, objects & things, objekte/sachen/dinge, participation, partizipation, popkultur, popular culture, populärkultur, recycling, spielzeug, street art, stricken, technologie, technology, textiles, tools, toys, werkzeug
with Stephanie Müller & Klaus E. Dietl
THE FABRIC, Maximiliansforum München, June 15-17, 2012
Critical Crafting Circle, D.I.Y. CULTURES, how2:how2, SoftWareZ, TOYS AND/AS TOOLS
tags: aesthetics, agency, art & society, bricolage, communication, craftivism, creativity, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, economy, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, handmade, image & imagination, knitting, material, material culture, media, memory, modelling, models, needlework, objects & things, participation, perception, performance, prosumer, prosumer culture, representation, senses, subject & authorship, technology, textiles, things, tools, toys & tools, visualisation
Hrsg. zusammen mit Helmut Gold, Annabelle Hornung und Tine Nowak
Museumsstiftung Post und Kommunikation Bd. 29, Mainz
A2D2A, Critical Crafting Circle, Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, DIY Aussstellung, DIY SCI, how2:how2, Mikro*, Philosophisches Spielzeug, Prosumer Kulturen, Radio, WiedErfinden, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug, Transformer
Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, SoftWareZ, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologie, art & society, ausstellungen, basteln, bricolage, commons, craftivism, craftivismus, cultural entomology, cultural history, cultural studies, design, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, ecology, economy, electronic culture, elektronische kultur, environment, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, exhibitions, fashion, folk art, fotografie, gadgets, handarbeit, handmade, knitting, knowledge, knowledge cultures, kulturentomologie, kulturgeschichte, kulturwissenschaften, kunst & gesellschaft, material culture, materielle kultur, media, media cultures, media history, medien, mediengeschichte, medienkultur, mode, net culture, net cultures, netzkultur, netzkulturen, objects & things, objekte/sachen/dinge, ökologie, ökonomie, philosophical toys, philosophisches spielzeug, photography, popkultur, popular culture, populärkultur, prosumenten-kultur, prosumer culture, protest cultures, protestkultur, sachkultur, stricken, textil, textile, textiles, umwelt, utopias, utopien, volkskunst, wikipedia, wissen, wissenskulturen, zines
zus. mit Annabelle Hornung und Tine Nowak.
In: Do It Yourself. Die Mitmach-Revolution, Hrsg. Helmut Gold / Annabelle Hornung / Verena Kuni / Tine Nowak
Museumsstiftung Post und Kommunikation Bd. 29, Mainz
Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, DIY Aussstellung, DIY SCI, how2:how2, Mikro*, Prosumer Kulturen, WiedErfinden, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug
Do-it-Yourself Kulturen
verwandte projekte in www.under-construction.cc:
A2D2A, Home Made, Philosophisches Spielzeug
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologie, art & society, ausstellungen, basteln, bricolage, commons, craftivism, craftivismus, cultural history, cultural production, cultural studies, design, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, ecology, economy, electronic culture, elektronische kultur, environment, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, exhibitions, fashion, folk art, fotografie, gadgets, handarbeit, handmade, knitting, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, kulturproduktion, kulturwissenschaften, kunst & gesellschaft, material culture, materielle kultur, media, media cultures, media history, medien, mediengeschichte, medienkultur, mode, net culture, net cultures, netzkultur, netzkulturen, objects & things, objekte/sachen/dinge, ökologie, ökonomie, philosophical toys, philosophisches spielzeug, photography, popkultur, popular culture, populärkultur, prosumenten-kultur, prosumer culture, protest cultures, protestkultur, sachkultur, stricken, textil, textile, textiles, umwelt, utopias, utopien, volkskunst, wikipedia, wissenskulturen, zines
Warm werden mit privaten Daten: Die Struckmaschine
in: clickhere.ch, [18.09.2007] September
A2D2A, Do-it-Yourself Kulturen, WiedErfinden, SoftWareZ, Spielzeug und/als Werkzeug, Transformer
Do-it-Yourself Kulturen
tags: art & its media, design, diy, do it yourself, information technologies, informationstechnologien, knitting, kunst & ihre medien, prosumenten-kultur, prosumer culture, stricken
Do-It-Yourself! How does it work – as a method, statregy, cultural technique, art, theory, practice, as aesthetic, social and/or political program?
related projects on www.under-construction.cc:
CCC, Home Made
tags: analogital, art, art & media, art & society, bricolage, commons, craftivism, crafts, creativity, cultural history, cultural studies, digital culture, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, everyday technologies, hacks, handmade, home made, inventing & inventions, knitting, knowledge, material culture, media, media cultures, media history, needlework, net culture, net cultures, objects & things, popular culture, prosumer, prosumer culture, protest cultures, recycling, sociology, technology, textiles, things, tools, urban cultures, visual culture