From analog to digital and back again. Research on the transfers between material cultures and media cultures.
related projects on www.under-construction.cc:
CCC, D.I.Y. cultures, Home Made, Philosophical Toys
tags: analogital, art, art theory, cultural studies, everyday technologies, material culture, media, media archaeology, media history, media theory, popular culture, things, visual culture
radio on art, media and network cultures
main project:
related projects on www.under-construction.cc:
cfs: center for storytelliing, D.I.Y. cultures, Home Made, interfiction, Micro*
related project on www.visuelle-kultur.info:
KIOSK Art Communication
tags: art, art theory, audio, communication, cultural studies, diy, do it yourself, instruments, media, media archaeology, media history, media studies, media theory, music, radio, radio art, sound, sound art
radio projects and experiments in theory and practice
related projects on www.under-construction.cc:
cfs: center for storytelliing, D.I.Y. cultures, Home Made, interfiction, Micro*
related project on www.visuelle-kultur.info:
KIOSK Art Communication
tags: art, art theory, audio, communication, cultural studies, diy, do it yourself, instruments, media, media archaeology, media history, media studies, media theory, music, radio, radio art, sound, sound art
Media-Technologies-Cultures -Constellations, Organisations, Configurations
related projects on www.under-construction.cc:
A2D2A, interfiction
tags: aesthetics, analogital, archives, art & media, art & society, art history, art theory, audio, authorship, books, communication, computer based art, computer games, cultural history, cultural studies, design, digital culture, digital media, displays, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself cultures, electronic arts, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, film, gadgets, games & play, geek, gender, hacks, image & imagination, installation, instruments, invisibility, knowledge cultures, media, media archaeology, media cultures, media history, media theory, music, net art, net cultures, network cultures, photography, popular culture, radio, radio art, representation, sound, sound art, technology, tools, topologies, video, visual music, web based art
Artists – Magicians – Alchemists
Identification and/as Projection – Production and Perception
Artists - Magicians - Alchemists
main project:
tags: aesthetics, alchemy, anthroposophy, art & hermetism, art & occult traditions, art & society, art history, art theory, artists' myths, authorship, communication, cultural history, digital culture, displays, esoteric traditions, esotericism, film, gender, hermeticism, image & imagination, image of the artist, (in)visibility, invisibility, magic, material culture, media, mediumism, models, occultation, occultism, perception, photography, representation, romanticism, rosicrucianism, secret societies, spiritism, spiritualism, subject & authorship, surrealism, topologies, utopias, visual culture