


Technology and Gender in Data Spaces and Networks

The term "cyberfeminismus" has been established in the early 1990ies in order to sketch out new feminist perspectives within the tension field of technology, society and gender, fueled by the moe recent develpments in the information-, communication- and bio-technologies.

According to the broad spectrum of possible perspectives, ideas and approaches, positions and strategies, theories and practices associated with cyberfeminism it s probably more appropriate to think and speak of cyberfeminisms in plural.

Within the related research focus, we have developed various projects exploring – together with more general and systematic considerations on cyberfeminisms – a.o. agencies of gender in digital media culture, the complex of representation, the intertwinedness of aesthetics and politics, the cultural radius and the impact of artistic and creative approaches to the field, embedded in the broader context of cultural history as well as the history of media and technology.

As an active member of the core group of the Old Boys Network (OBN) we have also (co-)organized/held/edited/put into pracice several conferences, podiums, performances, publications and other projects on cyberfeminism.

For more detailed information about the research projects and related activities pls. see the events, lectures and publications listed on the construction site (work in progress).

project: Cyberfeminisms

main project: MEDIOLOGIES

related projects on www.under-construction.cc: A2D2A, DATA & DISPLAYS, SoftWareZ

tags: aesthetics, agency, analogital, art & media, art & society, authorship, biosciences, bodies, communication, cultural history, design, digital culture, displays, diy, do it yourself, electronic arts, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, gender, hacks, (in)visibility, invisibility, knowledge cultures, media cultures, net cultures, participation, performance, popular culture, representation, science fiction, space, subject & authorship, technology, tools, utopias, visual culture



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