to work or not to work
radia #451: on strike for a job + radia #245: memento internationale
[pls. scroll down for english version]
eine radiokunststunde rund um arbeit, arbeitende, arbeiter – die nicht oder nicht mehr arbeiten.
im ersten teil der sendung geht es um busfahrerInnen, die streiken, um die arbeitsplätze für sich und ihre kollegInnen zu sichern.
im anschluss lässt uns adrian hall noch einmal in den kopf eines alten mannes hineinlauschen, in dem geräusche längst vergangener zeiten nisten. und erinnerungen, die von seinem leben als arbeiter und arbeitern geprägt sind.
credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten
one hour of radio art. about work. and workers. who are not working. for different reasons.
in the first part of the show, TEA FM introduces us to bus drivers on strike, fighting for their right to work:
"Dismissed 153 city buses drivers and 223 of the company that set up them, are the consequences of the urban transport grant by the municipality of the city of Zaragoza to the Mexican company ADO.
Over 45 days of strike are making Ebro capital mobility in something really problematic, yet the solidarity between strikers and users daily breathe!
We have collected the sounds of the protest, their bangs, their songs, their claims. No words, just sounds and environments. Without saying anything, we can understand everything.A 'Línea 33' special program for RADIA. A TEA FM broadcast conducted by Santi Ric, where we can discover views from inside and outside of the public transportation.
Discussions, ideas, comments of those who work, suffer and enjoy buses, taxis, subway….
Or just situations that occur in these spaces…
With a careful music selection, in which the lyrics become content.A radio broadcast built with audios captured by Santi Ric.
Always fighting for the victory … and beyond !" [TEA FM]
afterwards, adrian hall leads us into the head of a old man, retrieving memories of his life as a worker among workers:
"This an atmospheric work for radio which takes place inside the head, and the history, of an elderly man.
He dwells on moments and places he may have been, and the life in turn of his father.
The work is initially set in the shaving mirror of his home, and touches on mortality,
and the trades of working men everywhere…" [A.H.]
miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
the bus drivers on strike and radio TEA fm, zaragoza, for fighting for the right to work;
adrian hall and radio one, dunedin, for acoustic memories of a worker about workers;
as well as radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.
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