((o)) radiator x – 110220 – small worlds

rxl_k.gifsmall worlds
radia #300: the exclamation of a liliputian discovering gulliver
+ radia #263: miniatures

[pls. scroll down for english version]

kleine welten ganz gross.

grandiose kleine geschichten von grossen kleinen.
und grossartige klangminiaturen.

credits und hintergrundinformationen: siehe unten


small worlds. a big issue!

bits'n'bytes of stories about small worlds, people, things:

"Whatever the power of words, we already are on the other side, where the universe of Swift, Verne, London mingle happily to embark us on a ship, drifting from the surface to the underwaters depths […]  A prism of preposterous stories with many fascinating animals coming from the dawn of time, just for traumatizing children." [L.B./T.R./F.P.]

and great sound miniatures. en gros:

"… to rub concrete materials to the spirit of the times, dipping into the fluctuating fonds of web, movies and songs.
28 minutes about a meeting between the instant and the unstable, unstructured and restructured songs, exiled voices and transitional piano …" [P.M./E.N.]

how great is that!

miss.gunst would like to thank the following artists and sound collectors:
jovica for the space machine, corsica s for some beautiful radiator sounds;
loise bulot, tony regnauld, floriane pochon, pierre macé, stéphane massy, eddy godeberge, étienne noiseau and radio grenouille, marseille/france, for making small things big;
as well as radia.fm radio art network for being a crowd of incredibly creative partners.



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