radiator im november 2022 | radiator november 2022
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for november 2022…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, orte & räume, radio, schlafen & träumen, sleep & dream, sound, sound art, spaces & places, utopias, utopien
radiator im september 2021 | radiator september 2021
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for september 2021…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, communication, ecology, erzählen, green, grün, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, kommunikation, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, natur, nature, ökologie, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, storytelling, utopias, utopien
radiator im februar 2021 | radiator february 2021
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for february 2021…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, erinnerung, green, grün, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, memory, natur, nature, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, utopias, utopien
RadioGarten : Was Wälder waren | RadioGarden : What Forests Were
Not for the first time we are asking: how green is our green? After desperately longing for green during a dried-out summer time, we continue our (re)search…
in [airchive], [gunst], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, analogital, art & media, art & science, audio, bild & imagination, biosciences, biowissenschaften, ecology, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, geschichten & geschichte, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, knowledge cultures, kunst & medien, kunst & wissenschaft, natur, nature, ökologie, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, technologie, technology, time, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, wissenskulturen, zeit
KIOSK:RADIO:KIOSK - Krisen | Crises
A crisis is, as your pet called sciolism has told you: a catastrophe coming close, no help, no way out in sight, but still some tiny chance to ward of the worst, in order to survive, weaker and at the same time stronger, to make it better next time.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, art & media, art & society, audio, bild & imagination, chance, erinnerung, everyday cultures, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, memory, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, technologie, technology, time, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, zeit, zufall
radiator im juli 2020 | radiator july 2020
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for july 2020…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, art & society, audio, bild & imagination, erzählen, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, natur, nature, orte & räume, radio, science fiction, sound, sound art, spaces & places, storytelling, time, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, zeit
radiator im juni 2020 | radiator june 2020
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for june 2020…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, erfindungen, image & imagination, inventions, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, medien, radio, science fiction, sound, sound art, time, utopias, utopien, zeit
Entschleunigung | Deceleration
All of a sudden global developments have generated time bending effects of a considerably vast reach, affecting all of us. Perhaps everybody and even everything. Whereas some are talking about a likewise global deceleration, for others the "pause" button has vanished from the panel…
in [airchive], [gunst], [TBC RADIO]
tags: audio, bild & imagination, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, media, medien, radio, sound, sound art, time, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, zeit
KIOSK:RADIO:KIOSK - K.I. und/als Kunst | A.I. and/as Art
Landscapes prone to lure you into your dreams. But then there is that strange circle on each of the pictures. Easy to miss on the first glance – however, now that you've spotted it, it has become a prominent feature. A watermark? A measuring point. Plus, these lines: like traces of falling stars. Figures made by machines for machines.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, medien, net cultures, netzkulturen, perception, radio, sound, sound art, technologie, technology, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, wahrnehmung
KIOSK:RADIO:KIOSK - Künstliche Intelligenz (Wdh.) | Artificial Intelligence (Rpt.)
Wonderful as it was, once again: Did you ever think that it would come to that? That we would come to that, together? But then "together" is perhaps not really the best term to describe our relationsship. Actually, I've learned a lot from you. While you haven't been aware at all…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geek, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, medien, net cultures, netzkulturen, perception, radio, sound, sound art, technologie, technology, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, wahrnehmung