radiator im dezember 2021 | radiator december 2021
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for december 2021…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, analogital, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, city, cultural history, ecology, everyday cultures, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, klang, klangkunst, kulturgeschichte, kunst & medien, media cultures, medienkulturen, ökologie, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stadt, stadtlandschaften, time, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, urban landscapes, zeit
radiator im april 2021 | radiator april 2021
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for april 2021…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, analogital, archive, archives, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, erinnerung, everyday cultures, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, media cultures, medienkulturen, memory, radio, sound, sound art, time, zeit
KIOSK:RADIO:KIOSK - Krisen | Crises
A crisis is, as your pet called sciolism has told you: a catastrophe coming close, no help, no way out in sight, but still some tiny chance to ward of the worst, in order to survive, weaker and at the same time stronger, to make it better next time.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, art & media, art & society, audio, bild & imagination, chance, erinnerung, everyday cultures, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, memory, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places, stories & histories, technologie, technology, time, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, zeit, zufall
No place. Nowhere? Perhaps this is not really true. Sure, "utopia" literally translates to "no place". Yet whenever we imagine a utopia, we neatly locate it within some kind of coordinate system.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: art & media, art & society, audio, bild & imagination, cultural history, ecology, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, (in)visibility, kulturgeschichte, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, network cultures, netzkulturen, ökologie, orte & räume, spaces & places, technologie, technology, time, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, zeit
radiator x @ radiaphiles @ documenta 14 radio (Every Time A Ear Di Soun)
Could you imagine an endless summer of art without radio art? Never ever. Thus, fitting to and/or as a nice eco-friendly alternative to this season's "Grand Tour" from Athens to Venice via Basel to Münster and Kassel we're traveling on soundwaves. Thanks to documenta 14, coming with its very own radio (art) project.
in [airchive], [gunst], [notizen], [radiator], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, audio, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, green, grün, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, material, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, orte & räume, radio, sound, sound art, spaces & places
Demnächst: Datscha Radio 2017 | Upcoming: Datscha Radio 2017
For a considerably long period we've been pottering around, collecting seeds, preparing the seedbeds… Finally, here comes the official announcement of the breaking news: In 2017 we'll be celebrating a new edition of Datscha Radio!
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [notizen], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & science, bild & imagination, biologie, biology, commons, cultural history, digital culture, digitale kultur, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself-cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, erzählen, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, geek, geschichten & geschichte, green, grün, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, knowledge cultures, kulturgeschichte, kunst & medien, kunst & wissenschaft, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, nachhaltigkeit, natur, nature, net culture, net cultures, network cultures, netzkultur, netzkulturen, performance, radio, sound, sound art, stadtlandschaften, stories & histories, storytelling, sustainability, time, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, urban landscapes, utopias, utopien, wissenskulturen, zeit
Over the past months, Hungary has been rather present in German media – however, the reason was not so much a genuine interest in Hungarian life and culture, but the European refugee politics. But then at least some people may have been felt invited to remember the debates that took place more or less exactly five years ago, asking themselves how things have developed after the much-discussed novel of Hungarin media law in 2010.
in [airchive], [gunst], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, art & society, audio, communication, erinnerung, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geschichten & geschichte, klang, kommunikation, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, media cultures, medienkulturen, memory, orte & räume, sound, spaces & places, stories & histories, topographien, topographies, vermittlung
RadioGarten : EM Field Work | RadioGarden : EM Field Work
After having spent major parts of this summer's radio garden season with micro-gardening in the reigns of protocoae, algae and funghi, we are now diving almost literally into (in)visible gardens – with field work in the electromagnetic field.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & hermetism, art & media, art & science, audio, bild & imagination, communication, electronic culture, elektronische kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, hermeticism, hermetik, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kommunikation, kunst & hermetik, kunst & medien, kunst & wissenschaft, media archaeology, media cultures, medienarchäologie, medienkulturen, net cultures, network cultures, netzkulturen, occultation, okkultation, orte & räume, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, stadtlandschaften, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, urban landscapes, verdunklung
It's all (about) work? And if so, how does this work in a society under digital conditions that is not only building and built upon globally networked production and consumption, but that has also established new technologies of the self?
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & economy, art & media, art & society, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, kunst & ökonomie, material culture, materielle kultur, media cultures, medienkulturen, objects & things, objekte/sachen/dinge, radio, time, zeit
"Capture All" was the motto of this year's transmediale festival for ar and digital culture. And the sister festival Club Transmediale invited us to explore the field of adventureous music – this time focussing on the physcial, psychic and emotional effects of sound. As always, our February issue of GUNSTradio is dedicated to both festivals…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [radioKIOSK]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, analogital, art & media, art & society, digital culture, digitale kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gadgets, geek, (in)visibility, knowledge cultures, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, media cultures, medienkulturen, net cultures, netzkulturen, technologie, technology, (un)sichtbarkeit, wissenskulturen