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GUNST » education



((o)) GUNSTradio – 21.06.2013 – RadioGarten : Gemeinsam in Ginnheim | RadioGarden : Ginnheim Commons

RadioGarten : Gemeinsam in Ginnheim | RadioGarden : Ginnheim Commons

On Ginnheim's churchyard (Ginnheimer Kirchplatz), a community garden has grown. In containers, you'll find flowers in full bloom, vegetables prospering and berries ripening. No fences around. Regularly, gardeners are coming – but not only to take care of the plants. Rather, they are meeting to discuss about community and commons – and about future common perspectives for Ginnheim…


[[:]] Datscha-Radio: Dokumentation & Archiv | Documentation & Archive

Dokumentation & Archiv | Documentation & Archive

Well, a garden needs a lot of work. And time. Of which we'd need definitely more. While the summer's harvest has still to be sorted and stored for later consume, the next season is already knocking at our door…


[[:]] Datscha-Radio: Auf Wiederhören! | Hear you again!

Datscha-Radio: Auf Wiederhören! | Hear you again!

How fast a week can pass by! Datscha-Radio has broadcasted for seven days and nights from the Garden – with a considerable number of live concerts, performances and talks with artists, musicians and gardeners, with readings, sound art, music programmes and garden ghost hours about and around gardens, gardening and everything you can find, encounter and/or dream of in a garden.
Great many thanks to everybody!


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt | GUNSTproject: Datscha-Radio

Datscha-Radio: Ein Garten On Air | A Garden on Air

Datscha-Radio – A Garden On Air

A garden is more than a metaphor: Bridging architecture to nature, it is a living space for visions and encounters, for work and leisure. The garden has been a companion to mankind in all cultures since the beginning of civilization. With the onslaught of technologies of daily life, the topic of gardening has continually gained attention in terms of aesthetics, history and ecology. The true potential of the garden, though, lies within its rich multitudes. A garden is not just one place, it is many places; not just one system, but many systems. To create a garden for listening and international cooperation which appeals to all of the senses – this is the aim of Datscha-Radio.


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt | GUNSTproject: DIY Radio

lg-diy-grgp.gifDIY Radio

DIY radio is a theme based special series on GUNSTradio exploring the manifold facettes of contemporary Do-It-Yourself-cultures and their historical background. Running from December 2010 onwards, broadcasted at GUNSTradio's hour (3rd friday of the month, from 2 pm till 3 pm) on radio x Frankfurt Main.


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt: PLAYGROUND : ART GAMES von | by miss.gunst (radia #243)

PLAYGROUND : ART GAMES von | by miss.gunst (radia #243)

join miss.gunst on the playground and enjoy a set of games playing with the rules of art!


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt | GUNSTproject: fITt.NETt

fIT.NETt centerfITt.NETt

The "fITt.NETt" center was conceived as an online resource and learning platform for gender related issues in technoculture: A virtual fitness studio that provides courses training abilities as well as ressources related to general skills in the area of online communication (i.e. research techniques, how-to's for mailinglists and forum communication), for body enhancement (i.e. from html to vrml data body programming), wellness (i.e. conflict management in e-communication, but also relaxing techniques for those spending a lot of time in front of computers), beauty (ranging from webdesign to webbased art work) and health (i.e. online security).


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt | GUNSTproject: panem@circenses


"panem@circenses" (or in short: p@c) deals with the operating system(s) of art in the society. it is conceived as an online infobase and learning platform. the basic structure delivers a set of terms stemming from the roman circus (as a site created for the amusement of the plebs), each of which is set in parallel to one part of the system of contemporary art.


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt | GUNSTproject: VIATICO (viatico arte per i bambini)

VIATICOVIATICO (viatico arte per i bambini)

VIATICO (viatico arte per i bambini | viatico arte for children) was my contribution to the third part of the exhibition project "VIATICO DI ARTE E CRITICA", that opened wednesday, the 1st of march 2000 at the CHANGE studio d'arte contemporanea / associazione culturale project room at Rome, Italy.


[[o]] GUNSTprojekt: Wie man den Kindern die Kunst erklärt | GUNSTproject: Help your child to understand art

Wie man den Kinden die Kunst erklärtWie man den Kindern die Kunst erklärt | Help your child to understand art

"Wie man den Kindern die Kunst erklärt" is a small brochure. As its (sub-)title, "helfen sie ihrem kind, die kunst zu verstehen" ("Help your child to understand art"), might already suggest, the text itself is conceived as a kind of advice for parents who are themselves artists, critics, curators, collectors or otherwise involved in the field of arts. Maybe it is even useful for those planning to visit art exhibitions together with their children, or find themselves by accident in a situtation confronted with a work of art, while their children start to ask "mom… dad, can you tell me…".




symbolic picture of site








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please note: the tagging is still a work in process (so far completed only for the projects and for the most recent radio shows)!

alltagskultur alltagstechnologien analogital arb architecture architektur archiv archive archives art & economy art & hermetism art & media art & occult traditions art & science art & society art history artists' myths audio authorship autorschaft bild & imagination bildung biologie biology biosciences biowissenschaften bodies chance city commons communication craft cultural history cultural studies curating death death culture digital culture digital decay digital media digitale kultur digitale medien digitaler verfall dinge displays diy do it yourself do it yourself-cultures do-it-yourself-kulturen ecology education electronic art electronic arts electronic culture electronic music elektronische kultur elektronische kunst elektronische musik erfindungen erinnerung erzählen esoteric traditions esoterische traditionen everyday cultures everyday technologies ex film fotografie gadgets games & play gardens & gardening gärten & gärtnern geek gehen gender geschichten & geschichte geschlecht green grün handwerk hermeticism hermetik history of science image & imagination information technologies informationstechnologien insect insects insekten installation institutionen institutions instrumente instruments inventions (in)visibility klang klangkunst knowledge knowledge cultures kommunikation körper kulturgeschichte kulturwissenschaften kunst & gesellschaft kunst & hermetik kunst & medien kunst & okkulte traditionen kunst & ökonomie kunst & wissenschaft kunstgeschichte künstlermythen kuratieren material material culture materielle kultur media media archaeology media cultures media history media theory medien medienarchäologie mediengeschichte medienkulturen medientheorie medienwissenschaft memory mobilität mobility nachhaltigkeit natur natural sciences nature naturwissenschaften net art net culture net cultures network cultures netzkultur netzkulturen netzkunst objects objects & things objekt objekte/sachen/dinge occultation occultism öffentlicher raum okkultation okkultismus ökologie orte & räume perception performance photography play popular culture popular science populärkultur public space radio raum recycling religion schlafen & träumen science science fiction sleep & dream sound sound art space spaces & places spiele & spielen spielen stadt stadtlandschaften stories & histories storytelling sustainability technologie technology things time tod top topographien topographies topologien topologies totenkultur (un)sichtbarkeit urban cultures urban landscapes urbane kulturen utopias utopien veranschaulichung verdunklung vermittlung video wahrnehmung walking wissen wissenschaft wissenschaftsgeschichte wissenskulturen zeit zufall
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