RadioGarten : Die Gärten der Riesen | RadioGarden : The Giant's Gardens
In the giants' gardens is growing another time. A time of which we do not know. As probably men never will. For sure not those who claim them for their own…
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, audio, bild & imagination, commons, erinnerung, erzählen, everyday cultures, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, geschichten & geschichte, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, material culture, materielle kultur, media, medien, memory, nachhaltigkeit, natur, nature, orte & räume, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, stadtlandschaften, stories & histories, storytelling, sustainability, time, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, urban landscapes, zeit
Nuclear Plants
Chernobyl. A place where clocks are working differently. A zone of death where the march of time seems to be stopped. Yet, life is going on. Another life. A life for which the radiant future of the past has become eternal presence.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE], [TBC RADIO]
tags: art & media, art & science, art & society, audio, bild & imagination, biologie, biology, biosciences, biowissenschaften, bodies, death, ecology, erinnerung, fotografie, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, körper, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, kunst & wissenschaft, material culture, materielle kultur, media archaeology, medienarchäologie, memory, natur, nature, ökologie, orte & räume, perception, photography, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, time, tod, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, wahrnehmung, zeit
Nuclear Timescapes
Five years after the nuclear catastrophe of Fukushima. Thirty years after the nuclear catastrophe of Chernobyl. Two places, fallen out of time. Transformed into zones of alternate times.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [TBC RADIO]
tags: audio, bild & imagination, ecology, erinnerung, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, memory, natur, nature, occultation, okkultation, ökologie, orte & räume, perception, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, time, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, verdunklung, wahrnehmung, zeit
radiator im märz 2016 | radiator march 2016
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for march 2016…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, chance, city, erinnerung, erzählen, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, memory, mobilität, mobility, orte & räume, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, stadt, stories & histories, storytelling, zufall
radiator im januar 2016 | radiator january 2016
currently our extremely limited time budget does not allow to keep up with the regular entries for the radiator-a(i)rchive – in the meantime we are providing a monthly overview instead. so here is the programme listing for january 2016…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: architecture, architektur, art & media, audio, chance, erinnerung, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, memory, orte & räume, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, technologie, technology, (un)sichtbarkeit, zufall
Mobile Radio : I Am Sitting In A Room
"I am sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice and I am going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of my speech, with perhaps the exception of rhythm, is destroyed […]"
This is the beginning of a piece that today is probably one of the most prominent works of sound and radio art: "I am sitting in a room" by Alvin Lucier.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio]
tags: art & media, audio, bild & imagination, electronic arts, elektronische kunst, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, kunst & medien, orte & räume, performance, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, time, zeit
RadioGarten : Hütte im Wald | RadioGarden : Hut in the Woods
A hut in the woods. A place of withdrawal and retreat. From humans. From society. A life resonating with nature and in accordance with a self that is one. Woodland solitude. Utopia.
in [airchive], [gunst], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & media, art & society, bild & imagination, cultural history, digital culture, digitale kultur, diy, do it yourself, do it yourself-cultures, do-it-yourself-kulturen, ecology, electronic music, elektronische musik, erinnerung, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, geschichten & geschichte, green, grün, image & imagination, (in)visibility, kulturgeschichte, kunst & gesellschaft, kunst & medien, material culture, materielle kultur, memory, natur, nature, occultation, okkultation, ökologie, orte & räume, radio, raum, space, spaces & places, stories & histories, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, utopias, utopien, video
RadioGarten : EM Field Work | RadioGarden : EM Field Work
After having spent major parts of this summer's radio garden season with micro-gardening in the reigns of protocoae, algae and funghi, we are now diving almost literally into (in)visible gardens – with field work in the electromagnetic field.
in [airchive], [gunst], [gunstradio], [RadioRhizomE]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, art & hermetism, art & media, art & science, audio, bild & imagination, communication, electronic culture, elektronische kultur, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, gardens & gardening, gärten & gärtnern, hermeticism, hermetik, image & imagination, instrumente, instruments, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kommunikation, kunst & hermetik, kunst & medien, kunst & wissenschaft, media archaeology, media cultures, medienarchäologie, medienkulturen, net cultures, network cultures, netzkulturen, occultation, okkultation, orte & räume, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, stadtlandschaften, topographien, topographies, (un)sichtbarkeit, urban landscapes, verdunklung
REM(A)INDERS von | by Diana Wesser & Verena Kuni (radia #541)
What remains?
in [airchive], [fundus], [gunst], [radiator], [schaufenster]
tags: architecture, architektur, archive, archives, art & hermetism, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, communication, erinnerung, hermeticism, hermetik, image & imagination, (in)visibility, klang, klangkunst, kommunikation, kunst & hermetik, kunst & medien, memory, occultation, okkultation, orte & räume, performance, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, time, topologien, topologies, (un)sichtbarkeit, verdunklung, zeit
radio hours
radia #518: hours after hours + radia #386: radio dreaming
spending time with radio. dreaming. hours by hours. that's like taking candy from a baby. but not: art. yet, in this case…
in [airchive], [gunst], [radiator]
tags: alltagskultur, alltagstechnologien, architecture, architektur, art & media, audio, bild & imagination, communication, erinnerung, everyday cultures, everyday technologies, geschichten & geschichte, image & imagination, klang, klangkunst, kommunikation, kunst & medien, media, medien, memory, orte & räume, radio, raum, sound, sound art, space, spaces & places, stories & histories, time, topographien, topographies, topologien, topologies, zeit